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Content of Review of Population Reviews N° 93-94
- Two centuries of Malthus [Dva veka Maltusa].
- Houses (families) in the 1455 census for Brankovica region [Kuce (porodice) u popisu Oblasti Brankovica 1455. godine].
- Albanians of the Sirinic district [Albanci Sirinicke zupe].
- System, tax policy and population policy [Sistem i politika poreza i populaciona politika].
- Infant mortality by causes of death [Smrtnost odojcadi prema uzrocima smrti].
- Family ties in Western Europe: Persistent contrasts.
- Communism, poverty, and demographic change in North Vietnam.
- On the quantum and tempo of fertility.
- Sexual behavior and contraceptive knowledge and use among adolescents in developing countries.
- Adolescent childbearing in developing countries: A global review.
- The construction of adolescence in a changing world: Implications for sexuality, reproduction, and marriage.
- Sexual activity and contraceptive use: The components of the decisionmaking process.
- Sustainable cities or cities that contribute to sustainable Development? [¿Ciudades sustentables o ciudades que contribuyen al desarrollo sustentable?].
- The state of the environment in Latin American cities [El estado del medio ambiente en las ciudades latinoamericanas].
- Family recomposition and agrarian transformations: Two African cases and a Mexican one [Recomposición familiar y transformaciones agrarias. Lectura de dos casos africanos y uno mexicano].
- The study of reproductive behavior set in cultural perspective [El estudio del comportamiento reproductivo desde una perspectiva cultural].
- Assessment and adjustment of census population data [Evaluación y ajuste de los datos censales de población: 1930-1990].
- Transformation of the family farm: The case of three South Korean villages.
- Who is my neighbor? Koreans' perceptions of Blacks and Latinos as employees, customers, and neighbors.
- XXVIIth Conference of the Czech demographic society on "migration in Europe and in the Czech Republic" (21st May 1997) [XXVII. konference Ceské demografické spolecnosti " Migrace v Evrope a v Ceské republice " (21. kveten 1997)].
- Pre-natal diagnostics of congenital malformations in the Czech Republic [Prenatální diagnostika vrozených vývojových vad v Ceské republice].
- Sex education within European context [Sexuální výchova v evropském kontextu].
- Population of Czech Republic between 1918 and 1938 [Obyvatelstvo Ceskoslovenské republiky v letech 1918-1938].
- XXVIIth Conference of the Czech demographic society on "migration in Europe and in the Czech Republic" (21st May 1997) [XXVII. konference Ceské demografické spolecnosti " Migrace v Evrope a v Ceské republice " (21. kveten 1997)].
- Demographic dynamics, migrants from boundary countries and economic activity in Buenos Aires [Dinámica demográfica, migración limítrofe y actividad económica en Buenos Aires].
- Migrants from boundary countries in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires' labor market, 1980-1996 [Migrantes limítrofes en el mercado de trabajo del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, 1980-1996].
- Socioeconomic networks and urban markets: The Italian community in Valparaíso at the turn of the century [Redes socioeconómicas y mercados urbanos: la colectividad italiana de Valparaíso en el cambio de siglo].
- Family, work and fertility among migrants from boundary countries [Familia, trabajo y fecundidad de los migrantes de países limítrofes].
- Education and ethnicity in a comparative perspective. Danish immigrants in the Prairies and in the Pampas, 1860-1930 [Educación y etnicidad en una perspectiva comparada. Los inmigrantes daneses en la pradera y en la pampa, 1860-1930].
- Two visions of the Arab immigrant: Juan A. Alsina et Santiago M. Peralta [Dos imágenes del inmigrante árabe: Juan A. Alsina y Santiago M. Peralta].
- The aristocrat and immigration. Italian immigration in Argentina as per Estanislao Zeballos' "Diario de Viaje a Europa" (1903-1904) [El aristócrata y la inmigración. La inmigración italiana a la Argentina según el Diario de viaje a Europa de Estanislao Zeballos (1903-1904)].
- Quebradita dance. The making of imagined communities among Mexicans in Los Angeles, California [El baile de la Quebradita. La conformación de comunidades imaginadas entre los mexicanos en Los Angeles, California].
- Regional dimension of international migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
- Fertility theories and their implications regarding how low can low fertility be.
- Mortality and the fertility transition in rural Navarre (Spain).
- Changes in the factors affecting fertility in Ghana during the early stages of the fertility decline.
- An APC analysis of demographic responses to population policy measures: The case of the Czech and Slovak Republics, 1960-1990.
- Age validation of Han Chinese centenarians.
- Unobserved family and village effects on infant mortality in Malawi.
- A cultural economy perspective on service sector migration in the global city: The case of Hong Kong.
- Home, work and community: Skilled international migration and expatriate women in Singapore.
- Characteristics and assimilation of Chinese immigrants in the US labour market.
- The role of contraceptive supply and demand in Mexican fertility decline: Evidence from a microdemographic study.
- Economic Independence and union formation in Sweden.
- Momentum under a gradual approach to zero growth.
- Son preference, the family-building process and child mortality in India.
- Fertility and son preference in Korea.
- The accuracy of age-specific population estimates for small areas in Britain.
- Partitioning the effect of infant and child death on subsequent fertility: An exploration in Bangladesh.
- Famine, disease, and mortality patterns in the parish of Borshevka, Russia, 1830-1912.
- Present forms and future attitudes of the elderly parental support in Taiwan.
- Recent migration in mainland China: Impacts and policy issues.
- Cosmopolitanizating Australian suburbia: Asian immigration in Sunnybank.
- Recent migrants from Macau, Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland to Taiwan.
- Transition and restructuration of German cities.
- Determinants of the marital dissolution and female labor supply.
- Guardian of the children's right Abandoned children's protection in Taiwan.
- A global review of laws on induced abortion, 1985-1997.
- Sexual behavior and attitudes among unmarried urban youths in Guinea.
- Son preference in Anhui province, China.
- Female sterilization in Nepal: A comparison of two types of service delivery.
- Urbanization and migration in the ESCAP region.
- Spatial effects of "informal urbanization" in China: The case of Fujian province.
- Contraceptive failure and its subsequent effects in China: A two-stage event history analysis.
- Fertility and its proximate determinants in Bangladesh: Evidence from the 1993/94 Demographic and Health Survey.
- The social and demographic correlates of divorce in rural Bangladesh.
- Long-term implications of low fertility in Kerala, India.
- Heterolocalism: An alternative model of the sociospatial behaviour of immigrant ethnic communities.
- The geography of Bangladeshi migration to Rome.
- Leaving home in Spain: A regional analysis.
- The supply of manpower for care services from the viewpoint of care insurance.
- Parenthood and family life in the United Kingdom.
- Below-replacement fertility in the European Union (EU-15): Facts and policies, 1960-1997.
- The declining birthrate: Whose problem?
- The economic factors for the declinig birth rate.
- Finnish life tables since 1751.
- Evaluation of U.S. mortality patterns at old ages using the Medicare enrollment data base.
- Longevity and month of birth: Evidence from Austria and Denmark.
- Data resources for biodemographic studies on familial clustering of human longevity.
- Estimating parametric fertility models with open birth interval data.
- Father by law: Effects of joint legal custody on nonresident fathers' involvement with children.
- Who gets custody?.
- The impact of child support on cognitive outcomes of young children.
- Young unwed fathers of AFDC children: Do they provide support?.
- Parenting from a distance: The effects of paternal characteristics on contact between nonresidential fathers and their children.
- Paternal involvement with adolescents in intact families: The influence of fathers over the life course.
- Fathers and absent fathers: Sociodemographic similarities in Britain and the United States.
- Men matter: Additive and interactive gendered preferences and reproductive behavior in Kenya.
- Work, income, the economy, and married fathers as child-care providers.
- Have African American men become less committed to marriage? Explaining the twentieth century racial cross-over in men's marriage timing.
- Beyond single mothers: Cohabitation and marriage in the AFDC program.
- Changes in assortative mating: The impact of age and education, 1970-1990.
- Family and sociodemographic influences on patterns of leaving home in postwar Britain.
- Reassessing the decline in parent-child old-age coresidence during the twentieth century.
- Couple childbearing plans and births in Sweden.
- Ethnic stratification in Northwest China: Occupational differences between Han Chinese and national minorities in Xinjiang, 1982-1990.
- Gender, migration, and career trajectories in Malaysia.
- Mortality in Vietnam, 1979-1989.
- Educational attainment and transitions in functional status among older Taiwanese.
- Demography and the environment.
- Deceleration in the age pattern of mortality at older ages.
- A methodology for identifying married couples in Medicare data: Mortality, morbidity, and health care use among the married elderly.
- Contraceptive use in South Africa under apartheid.
- The long-term impact of parents' childbearing decisions on children's self-esteem.
- Three strikes and you're out: Demographic analysis of mandatory prison sentencing.
- Does it matter who answers the race question? Race classification and income inequality in Brazil.
- Revisiting occupational sex segregation in the United States, 1910-1990: Results from a log-linear approach.
- Occupational gender segregation: Index measurement and econometric modeling.
- The past, present and future of sex segregation methodology.
- The analysis of sex segregation: When is index mea-surement not index measurement?.
- Comment on "Compromised birth outcomes and infant mortality among racial and ethnic groups".
- Birth outcome, not pregnancy process: Reply to van der Veen.
- An old-age security motive for fertility in the United States?.
- Malthus for the twenty-first century.
- Julian Simon and the population growth debate.
- Divergence of marriage patterns in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada.
- Diffusion of education in six world regions, 1960-90.
- International migration 1965-96: An overview.
- Infant abandonment and adoption in China.
- Population statistics, the Holocaust, and the Nuremberg trials.
- Sociodemographic differentials in adult mortality: A review of analytic approaches.
- Population policy in the age of fascism: Observations on recent literature.
- Is the pace of Japanese mortality decline converging toward international trends?
- Gender differences in the schooling experiences of adolescents in low-income countries: The case of Kenya.
- Transition to adulthood of female garment-factory workers in Bangladesh.
- The costs of adolescent childbearing: Evidence from Chile, Barbados, Guatemala, and Mexico.
- The health consequences of adolescent sexual and fertility behavior in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Improving the fit: Adolescents' needs and future programs for sexual and reproductive health in developing countries.
- When will teenage childbearing become a problem? The implications of Western experience for developing countries.
- Dead mothers and injured wives: The social context of maternal morbidity and mortality among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria.
- Covert contraceptive use: Prevalence, motivations, and consequences.
- Looking locally at China's one-child policy.
- Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Husbands' involvement in abortion in Vietnam.
- The validity of verbal autopsies for assessing the causes of institutional maternal death.
- Risks of mortality and excess mortality during the first ten years of widowhood [Risques de mortalité et de surmortalité au cours des dix premières années de veuvage].
- Illness and dependency: description of changes using multistate models [Maladie et dépendance : description de l'évolution de la dépendance par des modèles multi-états].
- Computerized self-interviewing and the measurement of sensitive behaviors [Entretiens auto-administrés sur ordinateur et mesure des comportements sensibles].
- A survey in the civil registration registers. Filial relations and changing status of children born outside marriage [Une enquête dans les registres d'état civil. Filiation et devenir des enfants nés hors mariage].
- The comparative illusion. The conception and application of an international survey of illiteracy [L'illusion comparative - Les logiques d'élaboration et d'utilisation d'une enquête internationale sur l'illettrisme].
- Models of "neighborhood effects" in the United States: a review of recent surveys [La modélisation des " effets de quartier " aux Etats-Unis].
- Demographic and social change in New Caledonia after the Matignon Agreements [Changement démographique et social en Nouvelle-Calédonie après les accords de Matignon].
- The use of induced abortion in Abidjan: A possible cause of the fertility decline? [Le recours à l'avortement provoqué à Abidjan : une cause de la baisse de la fécondité ?].
- Children born outside marriage, and their parents. Recognitions and legitimations since [Les enfants nés hors mariage et leurs parents. Reconnaissances et légitimations depuis 1965]
- The factors of population ageing [Les facteurs du vieillissement démographique].
- Immigration and the population of the United States [L'immigration et le peuplement des Etats-Unis].
- Russian nuptiality: A little-understood and complex phenomenon [La nuptialité russe : une complexité méconnue].
- The notion of "useful children": A demographic measure for population genetics [Les " enfants utiles " : une mesure démographique pour la génétique des populations].
- William Petty (1623-1687) and the calculation of the doubling of the population [William Petty (1623-1687) et le calcul du doublement de la population].
- The diagnosis of insalubrity and its consequences for the city: Paris 1894-1960 [Le diagnostic d'insalubrité et ses conséquences sur la ville Paris 1894-1960].
- Migrants from Tuscany in Western Australia.
- Dalle Alpi ad Atitlan: Italian emigration to Guatemala 1870-1945.
- Foreigners and criminal law in Italy [Stanieri e giustizia penale in Italia].
- Training and employment of foreigners living in Rome in 1996: A potential human resources for science and technology [La formazione e l'occupazione degli stanieri residenti a Roma nel 1996: potenziali risorse umane per la scienza e la tecnologia].
- Immigration of Moroccan women in Northern Italy. A study in Venetia [L'immigration au féminin : les femmes marocaines en Italie du Nord. Une recherche en Vénétie].
- Migration, identity, faintness and success. Results of a longitudinal study on the young people of Italian origin in Germany and Italy [Migrazione, identità, disagi e opportunità. Risultati di uno studio longitudinale tra giovani di origine italiana in Germania ed in Italia].
- The German society and immigrants in the 90s, according to Die Zeit, Der Spiegel and Stern [La società tedesca e gli immigrati negli anni '90 in Die Zeit, Der Spiegel e Stern].
- The State, refugees and migration in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Forced migration and destination choice: Armenian forced settlers and refugees in the Russian Federation.
- Resurgent Irish immigration to the US in the 1980s and early 1990s: A socio-demographic profile.
- Best of times, worst of times, and occupational mobility: The case of Soviet immigrants in Israel.
- Ethnic return migration: An Estonian case.
- The unemployment insurance compensation usage of Canada's immigrants in selected provinces, 1981-1988.
- Migrant remittances in Greece and Portugal: Distribution by country of provenance and the role of the banking presence.
- International trade, labour migrations and capital flows: Long-term evidence for Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- Do migrants worsen the current account?.
- Increasing access to family planning services in rural Mali through community-based distribution.
- "Quasi-legal" abortion services in a sub-Saharan setting: Users' profile and motivations.
- Reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries.
- Induced abortion in Matlab, Bangladesh: Trends and determinants.
- Patterns of desired fertility and contraceptive use in Kuwait.
- Gender differences in factors influencing first intercourse among urban students in Chile.
- Examining cross-state variation in the increase in father-only families.
- Immigration restrictions and the American worker: An examination of competing interpretations.
- Research on gender in demography: Limitations and constraints.
- Estimates of the abortion demand of young and older teenagers.
- Polygyny and African couple research.
- Of population and false hopes: Malthus and his legacy.
- The association between environmental risk and internal migration flows.
- Making sense of the census: Why sampling might not be so simple.
- Jewish involvement in shaping American immigration policy, 1881-1965: A historical review.
- The demand for immigration to the United States.
- Sex ratio and community size: Notes from the Northern Atlantic.
- Immigration policy and the environment: The Washington D.C. metropolitan area.
- Housing conditions of nuclear and extended households in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area.
- The zen of sustainable use of the planet: Steps on the path to enlightenment.
- An optimum population for North and Latin America.
- Population and deforestation in Costa Rica.
- Underground economy and immigrant workers [Economía sumergida y trabajador inmigrante].
- Immigration and employment: Towards a model of analysis. Application in the construction sector [Inmigración y trabajo: hacia un modelo de análisis. Aplicación al sector de la construcción].
- Spanish labour unions and immigration [Los sindicatos españoles y la inmigración].
- Occult interests: The integration of immigrants into parallel economy [Intereses ocultos: la incorporación de los inmigrantes a la economía informal].
- Dynamics and policies of invisibility. Legislation, control and "racialisation" in agricultural sector [Dinámicas y políticas de invisibilidad. Ley, vigilancia y racialización en la agricultura].
- Sweden facing immigration: Development and evolution of a multicultural policy [Suecia ante la inmigración: desarrollo y evolución de una política multicultural].
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