Maintenance payments for children in Southern Africa and law to promote family planning (18.01)
Contraceptive use in Matlab, Bangladesh (18.02)
Family planning in Bangladesh: an unlikely success story (76.01)
Cost of family planning services: a critique of the literature (76.03)
A comparative of sterilization use and demand of the demographic and health surveys (76.05)
Effectiveness and cost- effectiveness of postpartum IUD insertion in Lima, Peru (76.07)
Family policies in the member states of the European Community in 1990 (05.06)
Demography and politics in the Arab world (46.01)
Family policy in Sweden (46.15)
Demographic effects of family planning measures in Germany (43.11)
Fertility, adoption and discontinuation of contraception in rural Kenya (18.04)
Continuation and abandon rates for contraceptive methods in two districts of Ankara (02.03)
Family planning amongst migrant agricultural workers in Turkey. Methodological approach (02.04)
Early discontinuation of contraceptive use in Niger and the Gambia (76.04)
Sex, contraception and childbearing before marriage in sub-Saharan Africa (76.06)
Estimates of abortion requirements of Soviet immigrants in Israel (18.05)
A hospital-based study abortion in Nepal (18.08)
Abortions in a hospital setting: hidden realities in Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania (18.10)
The costs of teenage childbearing (09.09)
Adolescent sexuality and social identity in French and German lower-class autobiography (12.04)
Estimates of first, second, third and higher order births in the UK (04.05)
Fertility transition: conscious choice and calculation capacity (09.01)
Family organisation and fertility control in Nepal (09.02)
Study of illegitimacy in Prague (39.03)
Fertility of married women in Jablonec-on-Nisa (Czechoslovakia) till 1800 (39.04)
Population situation in Czechoslovakia in 1991 (39.05)
Fertility differentials in the Northern regions of Bohemia (39.06)
The condition of illegitimate children in Prague (39.07)
Trends and determinants of Algerian natality from 1970 to 1986 (46.02)
Interpreting temporal trends in female economic activity and fertility (46.03)
Fertility increase in Haiti (46.07)
Fertility in France and the United Kingdom: possible effects of family policy (46.16)
Relationships between longitudinal and transversal demographic indicators (46.17)
Measuring transversal fertility I. Constructing the various indices (46.20)
Population situation in Germany and the EC (43.06)
Historical demography in Europe. World significance (43.12)
Return to the theory of demographic transition. Application to Japan (32.01)
Life cycle of Japanese women (32.03)
Analytical model of parental structures based on age-specific fertility and kin in Japan (32.04)
World population situation in 1991 and 1992 (67.02)
Transition of female birth cohorts in the Netherlands (38.03)
Population trends and family in low fertility countries (38.10)
Fertility decline in Africa: a new type of transition? (17.07)
Ethnicity and fertility differentials in Peninsular Malaysia (17.08)
Policies seeking a reduction of high fertility: a case for the demand (17.11)
A critique of the cohort approach to fertility (17.19)
What does the Matlab fertility experience really show? (18.07)
Means support, fertility and social reproduction among peasants (24.02)
Period fertility indices. I. The construction of different indices (46.21)
Fertility in Europe: analogies and differences (05.02)
Marriage, divorce and cohabitation in various European countries (04.03)
Private life and family in Zacatecas (Mexico) (24.09)
Impact of the cost of childcare on work opportunities for women and their fertility (09.03)
Giving up work and income due to pregnancy - the case of Norwegian women (09.04)
Determinants of female labour supply in Mexico City in 1970 (24.03)
Towns, women and conflict. Travelling salespeople in Mexico (24.06)
Widows and neighbourhood, corn fields and magueys in Mexico (24.08)
Mechanization and women's work (20.06)
Interpreting temporal trends in female economic activity and fertility (46.03)
Educational outcome by sex (46.09)
Women's work and childcare (38.01)
Married women in the labour market in Belgium and the Netherlands (38.04)
Women's position in the Dutch labour market (38.05)
The "dual flexibility" of women's situation in the labour market in Belgium (38.08)
Married women's participation in the labour force in the Netherlands and Flanders (38.20)
Islam, women, and politics: the demography of Arab countries (17.02)
Sex-role homogeneity, female status and demographic change (27.02)
Urban nuptiality in the pre- industrial era in Mexico (24.15)
Sociology of the marriage ritual (46.04)
Female primo-nuptiality in Europe: elements for a typology (46.12)
First maternity at an advanced age. A new model of family formation (43.04)
Are people living alone individualised? Their situation and lifestyle (43.05)
Between "pre-modern" and "post- modern". Founding families in Austria, 1984 to 1990 (43.08)
Structure of causes of death and average ages at death compared to average life expectancy (43.09)
Nuptiality, fertility and family life forms in East Germany (43.10)
Some social aspects of Turkish legitimate unions and relationships with premature mortality (02.01)
Nuptiality rates and analysis of marriage decrement tables in Turkey (02.02)
Which women will divorce in the Netherlands? (67.11)
Samples of anonymous records from the 1911 Great Britain Census (04.02)
The 1922 Census in the United Kingdom (04.07)
Using existing sources to date events. A survey in the Bwa country of Mali (46.19)
Suicide trends in England and Wales (04.01)
Extreme age mortality in 19th century Africa - the case of Liberia (09.06)
Is infant mortality in Turkey a mystery? (57.01)
Infant survival and health care amongst low-income Afro-American families in the US (57.02)
Youth mortality in new industrial localities and possibilities of change in India (57.03)
The population of the Marquesas Islands from 1886 to 1945 (57.04)
Risk of sexually transmitted diseases in an atoll population of Micronesia (57.05)
Suicide in Czechoslovakia, 1960-1990 (39.01)
Health status in the Czech Republic according to a 1989 survey (39.02)
Inter-birth intervals and infant survival (18.03)
Cholera in 19th-century Mexico City (24.11)
The 1833 cholera epidemic and mortality in Mexico City in the 19th century (24.12)
Non-handicapped life expectancy: 20 years of calculations (07.01)
Measuring non-senile life expectancy (07.03)
Stability of estimates of undiminished autonomy life expectancy (07.05)
POHEM: a new approach to estimating life expectancy by health status (07.06)
Healthy life expectancy in Quebec and Canada in 1986 (07.07)
Life expectancy without incapacity by regions in Quebec in 1987 (07.08)
Limits, advantages and use of EVSI in the context of health system development (07.09)
Healthy life expectancy: current status and utility for health policies (07.10)
A viewpoint on the future of indicators of healthy life expectancy (07.11)
Estimating age-specific mortality and health status using a longitudinal survey in the US (07.12)
Epidemiological aspects of cancer and incidence in the Czech Republic (39.11)
Comparison of perinatal mortality between Czechoslovakia and Western European countries (39.14)
Evaluating preventive measures in the fight against intestinal parasites (77.01)
Resurgence of water- transmissible diseases in the US (77.03)
Surveillance and fight against new zoonoses (77.04)
Cholera in 1991: old enemy, new face (77.05)
Epidemiology of IVH/AIDS in the world and demographic impact in Africa (77.06)
World fight against whooping cough (77.08)
Progressing towards eradication of neonatal tetanus throughout the world (77.09)
Malaria situation in the world in 1990 (77.10)
Human leishmaniasis. Epidemiology and public health (77.11)
Chagas' disease: epidemiology and perspective of a halt in transmission in the Americas (77.12)
Towards worldwide eradication of poliomyelitis (77.13)
Epidemiology of measles (77.14)
The pandemics of dengue in the 20th century (77.15)
Encephalitis in Japan: epidemiology and fight (77.16)
Influenza. Impact and fight (77.17)
Infant survival and fertility in rural Ethiopia (20.02)
Causes of adult mortality in countries with low mortality levels (46.06)
Geographical disparities in mortality in Czechoslovakia (46.08)
Health problems at adult ages and family problems during childhood (46.13)
Number of previous partners in models of sexual transmission of AIDS (46.24)
Cohort mortality tables for the generations 1900 to 1962 in the two Germanies (43.07)
Some social aspects of Turkish legitimate unions and relationships with premature mortality (02.01)
Mortality amongst those aged 65 and over in Japan (32.02)
Sex-specific differential mortality in the Netherlands and household projections (67.03)
Mortality determinants in the Netherlands (67.10)
Mortality projections in the Netherlands (67.13)
Use of sibling data to estimate family mortality effects in Guatemala (09.10)
Birth interval and family effects on postneonatal mortality in Brazil (09.11)
Mortality amongst the elderly aged 65 and over in Japan (32.02)
Description of extreme old age based on medical assistance data (09.05)
Non-handicapped life expectancy: 20 years of calculations (07.01)
Measuring non-senile life expectancy (07.03)
Stability of estimates of undiminished autonomy life expectancy (07.05)
POHEM: a new approach to estimating life expectancy by health status (07.06)
Healthy life expectancy in Quebec and Canada in 1986 (07.07)
Life expectancy without incapacity by regions in Quebec in 1987 (07.08)
Limits, advantages and use of EVSI in the context of health system development (07.09)
Healthy life expectancy: current status and utility for health policies (07.10)
A viewpoint on the future of indicators of healthy life expectancy (07.11)
Estimating age-specific mortality and health status using a longitudinal survey in the US (07.12)
Migration of retired Parisians (46.10)
Mortality in the population aged 65 and over in Japan (32.02)
Mental status of the elderly in Belgium(32.13)
Situation of the elderly in Netherlands households (38.14)
Health care of the elderly in Flanders (38.15)
Ageing and the growing burden for budgets (38.16)
Informal aid to the elderly (38.17)
Attitudes towards the elderly in the Netherlands (38.18)
Japanese women's life cycles. A re-evaluation (32.03)
The Gompertz-Makeham function in the description and forecasts of population phenomena (24.01)
Career perspectives and trends in the law courts, 1990-2030 (46.22)
Population projections, simulation and analysis of the future (43.02)
Analysis of errors noted later in several population forecasts (43.03)
Sex-specific differential mortality in the Netherlands and household projections (67.03)
Population forecasts based on year 1992 in the Netherlands (67.07)
International migration forecasts in the Netherlands (67.12)
Mortality forecasts in the Netherlands (67.13)
A century of population and socio-economic change in Egypt (27.01)
The United Nations' long-range population projections ((17.12)
The Gompertz-Makeham function in the description and projection of demographic phenomena (24.01)
Career perspectives and trends in the magistracy, 1990-2030 (46.22)
17. MISCELLANEOUS (Other population trends)
Child support and welfare dynamics: evidence from Wisconsin (09.12)
Toward an ecological demography (17.01)
Attempt at definition in the field of international comparisons (30.01)
What is known in France about foreign entrepreneurs over the past century? (30.02)
Non-salaried foreigners in France, symbol of the economic changes of the 1980s (30.02)
Expanding ethnic commerce: Chinese and North Africans in the Paris area (30.04)
Diversity of foreign entrepreneurs in Lyons (30.05)
Foreigners and the creation of enterprises in Alsace (30.06)
Development of independent activities by immigrants in Europe and France (30.07)
Ethnic enterprises in the Netherlands (30.08)
Los Angeles: the Iranian ethnic economy (30.12)
New perspectives on the issue of ethnic minorities (30.13)
The war and refugees in ex- Yugoslavia (30.14)
Circulation of professional elites and European integration (30.15)
The UN Convention on the protection of all migrant workers and family members (30.16)
An update on immigration in French towns: the issue of ethnic territories (30.17)
Inter-ethnic relations in the new urban stakes (30.18)
The horse trade, British immigration and social structures in Chantilly in the 19th century (30.19)
Trends in family structures amongst North Africans and Portuguese in France (30.20)
Migratory strategies in the overpopulated Nile Delta (30.21)
An invisible minority: the Chinese in Great Britain (30.22)
Immigration and entrepreneurship: the Chinese in the Netherlands (30.23)
A world apart: the Chinese in Tuscany (30.24)
Diverging diasporas: the Chinese communities of New York and Los Angeles (30.26)
Chinese religious practices and businesses in Paris (30.28)
The Chinese in Paris since the beginning of the century (30.29)
Economic plan and spatial resources: elements of a diaspora economy (30.30)
Immigrant populations in European countries. Importance and origin (04.04)
International migration in 1991 (04.08)
Estimated long-term immigration to the U.S. (09.08)
Minorities in the U.S. Introduced demographic diversity (13.02)
100,000 immigrants in the Netherlands in 1991 (67.01)
Number of foreigners in the Netherlands in 1992 (67.09)
Forecasted international migration in the Netherlands (67.12)
Attitudes toward Southeast Asian immigrants in Wisconsin community (11.06)
Two centuries of Italian immigration to the Netherlands (11.08)
Immigrant qualifications recognition and relative wage outcomes (11.21)
Patterns and trends of international migration in Western Europe (17.15)
International migration and political turmoil in the Middle East (17.23)
Patterns, trends and future of international migration: some causes and consequences (27.03)
Migration policies and population distribution in Mexico (24.04)
Research on urbanisation in Mexico during 1980-1990 (24.05)
Colonizing tribal territory in Indonesia (20.01)
Migration of retiring Parisians (46.10)
Study of immigration in French regions using the patronymic method (46.11)
Social paths, spatial mobility and peasant accumulation in the Brazilian Amazon (70.03)
Migration and intensification: agrarian dynamics of the Lbi in North-East Ivory Coast (70.05)
Family planning amongst migrant agricultural workers in Turkey (02.04)
Changes of residence in the Netherlands in 1991 (67.08)
Trends in internal migration in Belgium (38.11)
Analysis of internal migration in Belgium (38.19)
Illegal migrant laborers in Japan (11.02)
illegal migration in Taiwan (11.03)
Temporary versus permanent population mobility in Melanesia; a case study from Vanuatu (11.04)
Planned emigration: the Palestinian case (11.11)
Urban migration in Shanghai, 1950-88: trends and characteristics (17.18)
Migration policies and population distribution in Mexico (24.04)
Urban research in Mexico, 1980- 1990 (24.05)
Occupational mobility of heads of households migrating to Medina, Saudi Arabia (27.04)
Impact of cost of childcare on supply of working women and their fertility (09.03)
Determinants of female labour supply in Mexico City in 1970 (24.03)
The right to work. The 1990 proposal and the 1991 economic policy in India (20.05)
Mechanization and women's work (20.06)
Women's work and childcare (38.01)
Analysing the labour division in the family (38.02)
Married women in the labour market in Belgium and the Netherlands (38.04)
Women's position in the Dutch labour market (38.05)
The "dual flexibility" of women's situation in the Belgian labour market (38.08)
Replacement demand in the Netherlands labour market (38.12)
Participation of married women in the labour force in the Netherlands and Belgium (38.20)
Consequences of return migrant status for employment in Puerto Rico (11.13)
Adaptation of migrants in the New Zealand labour market (11.15)
Integration of Vietanamese refugees into the Norwegian labour market (11.22)
The delayed transition from folk to lab our migration: the Netherlands, 1880-1920 (11.23)
The adolescent apprentice/worker in Medieval Montpellier (12.02)
Measuring adulthood: adolescence and gender in renaissance Venice (12.03)
Working-class "adolescence" in Austria, 1890-1930 (12.06)
The determinants of female labour supply: Mexico City, 1970 (24.03)
Job separations and the shared investment of specific human capital (15.02)
The decline in the farming population is likely to continue (23.01)
Means of subsistence, fertility and social reproduction in the peasant world (24.02)
Modernisation of a steelworks in the State of Coahuila (Mexico) and demographic impact (24.07)
Socio-economic profile of Tchuacan (Mexico) during the Vice-royalty (24.10)
Green revolution and farming control: the case of Pondichery (Southern India) (70.04)
Tunisia, small businesses and big banks. An attempt at describing development aid (70.06)
Economy and States in French- speaking Africa: for an understanding of interventionism (70.07)
Village groups and transition process in Western Africa (70.08)
Optimal health insurance funding in Taiwan (15.03)
Soviet Jews in the United States: an analysis of their linguistic and economic adjustment (11.17)
The ethnic saloon as a form of immigrant enterprise (11.20)
Modernization of AHMSA, an iron and steel company in Mexico (24.07)
Geography and history of the Michoacan population (Mexico) during the 18th century (24.13)
Population of the New Spain parish (Mexico) in the 18th century (24.14)
Population and society in Imperial Spain (24.16)
Numbers in Slovakian universities in 1991-92 (39.13)
Educational future by sex (46.09)
Comparing living conditions depending on whether Belgian households have one income or two (38.06)
Social paths, spatial mobility and peasant accumulation in the Brazilian Amazon (70.03)
Water supply and water drainage: a study on the history of environment in Taiwan (15.01)
Population and water resources (13.01)
Immigration in French regions as studied by the patronymic method (46.11)
25. MORTALITY (Methodology)
Understanding morbidity change (17.16)
Maternal mortality in Ile-Ife, Nigeria: a study of risk factors (18.09)
Cholera in Mexico City in the 19th century (24.11)
The 1833 cholera epidemic and mortality in Mexico City (24.12)
Mortality amongst the elderly aged 65 and over in Japan (32.02)
The number of previous partners in the transmission of AIDS through sexual intercourse (46.25)
26. NUPTIALITY (Methodology)
Generation, ethnicity and marriage: historical patterns in the Northern United States (09.15)
The process of marriage in African societies (17.03)
The Lexis diagram revisited (46.18)
Inferted Easterlin fertility cycles and Kornai's "soft" budget constraint (17.21)
28. MISCELLANEOUS (Methodology)
Return to the theory of population transition (32.01)
An analytical model of relationship structures based on age- and parity-specific fertility (32.04)
Preliminary results of a cross- national study (85.07)
30. MISCELLANEOUS (Other themes)
Demografie's 35th anniversary (Czechoslovakia) (39.09)
The 13th Population Conference of Bohemia and Slovakia (39.10)
Different religions in Bohemia and Slovakia (39.12)
Report of Amnesty International: human rights and North-South relationships (20.03)
Sardar Sarovar and the Morse Report. Uprooting tribal populations in India (20.04)
At the origins of eugenics in France: neo-Malthusianism (1896-1914) (46.05)
"Words of writing". Reading traces in societies with no writings (70.01)
Echos of Gandhi. Traditions of resistance to colonialism (70.02)
A solution to the childcare place problem in Belgium (38.09)
IRCA's antidiscrimination provision: what went wrong? (11.01)
Refugees in Papua New Guinea; government response and assistance (11.05)
Residential segregation in Australian cities: a literature review (11.14)
Rethinking assimilation and ethnicity: the Chinese in Thailand (11.16)
Historical descriptions and prescriptions for adolescence (12.01)
Development of leisure and the transformation of working-class adolescence, Paris 1830-1940 (12.07)
"The improper arts"; sex in classical political economy (17.05)
Population growth and global warming (17.10)
The agenda of population studies: a commentary and complaint (17.13)
Divided Korea: demographic and socio-economic issues for reunification (17.17)
The population debate in American popular magazines, 1946-90 (17.20)
Children at risk: the role of family structure in Latin America and West Africa (17.22)
Barriers to treatment of obstetric emergencies in rural communities (18.06)
Progression to second and third births in China: patterns and covariates in six provinces (76.02)
Cities, women and conflict: itinerant trade in Mexico (24.06)
Socio-demographic profile of Tehuacan during the vice-royalty (24.10)
The population of parish in New Spain in the 18th century (24.14)
Historical geography of the population of Michoacan, Mexico, in the 18th century (24.15)
Population and society in imperial Spain (24.16)
On the optimal subsidy of national health insurance (15.03)
Social and economic support systems for the elderly in Asia: an introduction (85.01)
Family change and support of the elderly in Asia; what do we know? (85.02)
Social support among the aged in Wuhan, China (85.03)
Living arrangement of the Filipino elderly (85.04)
Support exchange patterns of the elderly in the Republic of Korea (85.05)
The family support system of Thai elderly: an overview (85.06)
The 1990 demographic report and its presentation (05.03)
All the countries of the world in 1991 (05.04)
France's population situation in 1991 (05.05)
How to evaluate the cost of having children? (05.07)
Transfers between generations (05.08)
What reforms for pension schemes? (05.09)
Why not have more children? (05.10)
Maastricht, family and demography (05.11)
Whirlwind in Eastern Europe (05.12)
Foreigners in France in 1990 (05.13)
Japan threatened by its demography (05.14)
Behavioural problems among 13 to 16-year-olds and housing zones. An epidemiological approach (46.23)