Amendments to the CICRED statutes

During its last meeting which took place in Tours on 22 July 2005, the CICRED Council decided to propose several amendments to the CICRED statutes as had been discussed in previous meetings. The final list of amendments has now been approved by the Council Chair and is now submitted to all CICRED members.

Here is the list of proposed amendments () along with a brief description of their rationale . The amendments put forward aim mostly at modernizing our functioning procedures and at updating some obsolete provisions.


CICRED centres will receive by mail the following voting materials: envelopes and voting paper

How to vote:

  • ticking the appropriate box on the ballot paper
  • insert your ballot paper in the small, coloured envelope
  • insert this small envelope in the white envelope
  • sign and date it on the back
  • mail your envelope to CICRED before 30 March 2006 .

What if I don't receive the voting materials ?

  • 1. Please let us know if you don't get your materials before 15 March 2006.
  • 2. We may then allow you to cast your ballot by sending your vote (download here the ballot form ) in a closed ordinary envelop
  • 3. Drop this envelop in another envelope (with your centre's name and its director's signature on it) and send it to CICRED.


The changes have been approved by all voting centres:

Votes 92
Yes 89
No 0
Abstention 1
Void 2

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Last update: 9/06/06