One of CICRED's objectives is to monitor the capacities and activities of the world's demographic Centres.

See in particular

  • our database of demographic centres in various countries or regions
  • our recent study of the institutional diversity of demographic centres

CICRED aims also at assisting in institutional development to develop the capacities of its members Centres -particularly those that are poorly resourced. Centres of the South should be enabled to fully participate in research and in international debates and programmes.

To achieve these goals, CICRED launched in 2005 a survey of institutional capacities and needs across its member Centres. See our last Policy Paper on Needs and Capabilities.

Several capacity surveys have been conducted in the recent past and their reports highlight some of the main characteristics of the population institutional web and expertise across the world with particular attention to demography in developing countries.

Needs and Capabilities of Demographic Centres in the World, prepared by Matthieu Rocci and CICRED secretariat, Paris, CICRED Policy paper series, 2006, 38 p.

Our Policy Paper is based on the results of a sample survey conducted in 2005. See the text of this study.

See also our presentation on Needs and Capabilities of Demographic Centres presented during the IUSSP meeting on Taking stock of data needs and monitoring for the Millennium Development Goals in Developing Countries, Rabat, Morocco, 25-27 January 2007.

Population Experts in Developing Countries, report and directory prepared by J Hendrickson, T Haas and E Hanauer, the International Institute of Education, San Francisco, 2004.

See their report and and their directory. The published directory include 1187 developing country population experts with current contact information.

Institutional and Scientific Overview of Population Research in the World , A report written by F. Gendreau, S. Huix-Adamets, Paris, CICRED, 2003, 99 p (en français également).

This report covers most CICRED centres and gives detailed information on their research priorities. See the report in English and French.

Training and Support of Developing-Country Population Scientists, A Panel Report, edited by Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd, Population Council, New York, 2002.

This report is a needs assessment of the training and support of population scientists in developing countries with case studies of China, India and Uganda. See the report (con resumen en español; résumé également en français)

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Last update: 20/02/2005