International PRIPODE Colloquium, 2007 March 21-23, UNESCO, Paris
Conference on Population-Environment-Development Issues, June 2007.
5-7 December 2005, Singapore:
Female deficit in Asia. Trends and perspectives , Attané I and CZ Guilmoto (Coordinators).
23-25 February 2005, Trivandrum, India :
Mortality as both a determinant and a consequence of poverty and hunger, Navaneetham K. and Caselli G, with Ian Pool. (Coordinators).
1-3 September 2004, Paris, France:
Inter-relations between development, spatial mobility and HIV/AIDS, HSU L. and du Guerny J. (Coordinators)
23-26 February 2004, Paris France :
Age-Structure transition: Demographic Bonuses, but emerging challenges for population and sustainable development, Pool I. (Coordinator)
25-29 November 2002, Bangkok, Thailand:
Reproductive Health, Unmet Needs and Poverty: Issues of access and quality of Service, Lerner S (Coordinator)
20-22 January 2000, Tunis, Tunisia:
Social and Economic Patterning of Health among Women, Arber S. and Khlat M. (Coordinators)
15-19 November 1999, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso:
Education, Family and Population Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M., Pilon M., Quesnel A. and Yaro Y. (Coordinators)
2-4 June 1998, Mexico City, Mexico:
Poverty, Fertility and Family Planning, Cosio-Zavala M. (Coordinator)
24-26 February 1997, Paris, France :
Women’s Status and Family Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M. (Coordinator)
26-28 February 1996, Paris, France :
Demographic evaluation of Health Progammes, Khlat M. (Coordinator)
24-26 November 1993, Laxenburg, Autria :
Population-Environment-Development Interactions, Clark J. (Coordinator)
1992, Jakarta:
The Effect of Institutional and Political Changes on Mortality, Ruzicka L. T. (Coordinator)
7-9 November 1991, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique :
Population and Environment, Clark J. (Coordinator)
16-18 December 1991, Valletta , Malta:
Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)
7-9 November 1990, New York, USA :
Impact of Family Planning Programmes on Fertility Decline, Professor K. Srikantan (Coordinator)
29 September – 3 October 1989, Pusan, Korea (Initiating meeting):
Urbanization and Geographical Distribution of Population, Simons A.B. (Coordinator)
1989, Paris, France (six meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies
May 1988, Durham, USA :
Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)
February 1987, Paris, France :
The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)
9th- 12th March 1987, Rabat, Morocco (interim meeting):
Population variables in the Planning Process, Macura M. (Coordinator)
13th-16th September 1986, Zamárdi, Hungary (five meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies
9th March 1986, Geneva, Switzerland (fourth meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies,
5-7 June 1984, Geneva, Switzerland (interim meeting):
International Migration in the Third World, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)
4th-7th October 1983, Montebello, Canada (initiating meeting):
Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)
24th-27th May 1983, Roma, Italy (Third meeting):
Socio- Economic Differential Mortality in the Industrialized Societies
27th-29th October 1982, Paris, France:
Demography of the Family, Brass W. and Roussel L., Muhsam H., Vimard P. (Coordinators)
17th December 1981, Manila, Philippines:
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World, Behm H. (Coordinator)
1st-3rd July 1981 Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany (second meeting):
Socio- Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies
19th-22nd November 1980, Nedlands, Australia (initiating meeting):
International Migration in the Third World, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)
15 th-18th September 1980, Belgrade, Yugoslavia (initiating meeting):
Population variables in the planning process, Macura M. (Coordinator)
3rd –4th July 1980, Geneva, Switzerland (first meeting):
Socio-Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies
26th-29th November 1979, Ined, Paris, France (Initiating meeting):
The Demography of the Family, Brass W. and Roussel L., Muhsam H., Vimard P. (Coordinators)
3rd-6th September 1979, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A. (Initiating Meeting):
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World, Behm H. (Coordinator)
6-12 may 1975, Bangkok, Thailand :
Seminar on Infant Mortality in Relation to the Level of Fertility, Preston S. (Coordinator)
5-11 March 1974, Buenos Aires Argentina :
International Migration, Proceeding of a Seminar on Demographic Research in Relation to International Migration, Tapinos G. (Coordinator)
3-9 April 1973, University of Wewt Indes, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago :
Seminar on Demographic Research in Population Growth Targets, Muhsam H. (Coordinator) |
9 June 2002, Bangkok, Thailand :
Regional assembly of the Asian Centers
(Report, CICRED Newsletter n° 6, December 2002)
5 December 1999, Durban, South Africa
Regional assembly of the African Centers
(Report, CICRED Newsletter n° 1, March 2000) :
6-8 December 1994, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia:
Meeting of African Population Research Center
July - August 1991, Quito, Equateur :
Conference of Population Research Center in Latin America and the Caribbean
15-18 November 1988, Bali, Indonesia :
Conference of Population Research Center in Asia and the Pacific