Since its creation, CICRED has been active in facilitating collaborative research and promoting new research agendas through different tools such as international seminars and regional assemblies of centres.

International PRIPODE Colloquium, 2007 March 21-23, UNESCO, Paris

Conference on Population-Environment-Development Issues, June 2007.

5-7 December 2005, Singapore:
Female deficit in Asia. Trends and perspectives , Attané I and CZ Guilmoto (Coordinators).

23-25 February 2005, Trivandrum, India :
Mortality as both a determinant and a consequence of poverty and hunger, Navaneetham K. and Caselli G, with Ian Pool. (Coordinators).

1-3 September 2004, Paris, France:
Inter-relations between development, spatial mobility and HIV/AIDS, HSU L. and du Guerny J. (Coordinators)

23-26 February 2004, Paris France :
Age-Structure transition: Demographic Bonuses, but emerging challenges for population and sustainable development, Pool I. (Coordinator)

25-29 November 2002, Bangkok, Thailand:
Reproductive Health, Unmet Needs and Poverty: Issues of access and quality of Service, Lerner S (Coordinator)

20-22 January 2000, Tunis, Tunisia:
Social and Economic Patterning of Health among Women, Arber S. and Khlat M. (Coordinators)

15-19 November 1999, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso:
Education, Family and Population Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M., Pilon M., Quesnel A. and Yaro Y. (Coordinators)

2-4 June 1998, Mexico City, Mexico:
Poverty, Fertility and Family Planning, Cosio-Zavala M. (Coordinator)

24-26 February 1997, Paris, France :
Women’s Status and Family Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M. (Coordinator)

26-28 February 1996, Paris, France :
Demographic evaluation of Health Progammes, Khlat M. (Coordinator)

24-26 November 1993, Laxenburg, Autria :
Population-Environment-Development Interactions, Clark J. (Coordinator)

1992, Jakarta:
The Effect of Institutional and Political Changes on Mortality,   Ruzicka L. T. (Coordinator)

7-9 November 1991, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique :
Population and Environment, Clark J. (Coordinator)

16-18 December 1991, Valletta , Malta:
 Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)

7-9 November 1990, New York, USA :
Impact of Family Planning Programmes on Fertility Decline, Professor K. Srikantan (Coordinator)

29 September – 3 October 1989, Pusan, Korea (Initiating meeting):
Urbanization and Geographical Distribution of Population, Simons A.B. (Coordinator)

1989, Paris, France (six meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies

May 1988, Durham, USA :
Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)

February 1987, Paris, France :
The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)

9th- 12th March 1987, Rabat, Morocco (interim meeting):
Population variables in the Planning Process, Macura M. (Coordinator)

13th-16th September 1986, Zamárdi, Hungary (five meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies

9th March 1986, Geneva, Switzerland  (fourth meeting):
Socio-economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies,

5-7 June 1984, Geneva, Switzerland (interim meeting):
International Migration in the Third World, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)

4th-7th October 1983, Montebello, Canada (initiating meeting):
Population Aging, Myers G. (Coordinator)

24th-27th May 1983, Roma, Italy (Third meeting):
Socio- Economic Differential Mortality in the Industrialized Societies

27th-29th October 1982, Paris, France:
Demography of the Family, Brass W. and Roussel L., Muhsam H., Vimard P. (Coordinators)

17th December 1981, Manila, Philippines:
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World, Behm H. (Coordinator)

1st-3rd July 1981 Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany  (second meeting):
Socio- Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies

19th-22nd November 1980, Nedlands, Australia (initiating meeting):
International Migration in the Third World, Appleyard R. (Coordinator)

15 th-18th September 1980, Belgrade, Yugoslavia (initiating meeting):
Population variables in the planning process, Macura M. (Coordinator)

3rd –4th July 1980, Geneva, Switzerland (first meeting):
Socio-Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies

26th-29th November 1979, Ined, Paris, France (Initiating meeting):
The Demography of the Family, Brass W. and Roussel L., Muhsam H., Vimard P. (Coordinators)

3rd-6th September 1979, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A. (Initiating Meeting):
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World, Behm H. (Coordinator)

6-12 may 1975, Bangkok, Thailand :
Seminar on Infant Mortality in Relation to the Level of Fertility, Preston S. (Coordinator)

5-11 March 1974, Buenos Aires Argentina :
International Migration, Proceeding of a Seminar on Demographic Research in Relation to International Migration, Tapinos G. (Coordinator)

3-9 April 1973, University of Wewt Indes, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago :
Seminar on Demographic Research in Population Growth Targets, Muhsam H. (Coordinator)

9 June 2002, Bangkok, Thailand :
Regional assembly of the Asian Centers
(Report, CICRED Newsletter n° 6, December 2002)

5 December 1999, Durban, South Africa
Regional assembly of the African Centers
(Report, CICRED Newsletter n° 1, March 2000) :

6-8 December 1994, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia:
Meeting of African Population Research Center

July - August 1991, Quito, Equateur :
Conference of Population Research Center in Latin America and the Caribbean

15-18 November 1988, Bali, Indonesia :
Conference of Population Research Center in Asia and the Pacific

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