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Poverty, Nutrition and Mortality : A Comparative Perspective, Navaneetham, K., Dharmalingam A. and G. Caselli, (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2008. (Seminar held in Thiruvananthapuram , 23-25 February 2005).
  Watering the Neighbour's Garden, Attané. I. and CZ Guilmoto (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2007, (Seminar held in Singapore , December 2005).  
  Age-structural transitions: challenges for development , Pool I., Wong L. R. and Vilquin E., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2006, 385 p. (Seminar held in Paris, France, 23-26 February, 2004). Two chapters in French (translation by James Walker: 1- ; 2 - ).  
  Reproductive health, unmet needs and poverty, Lerner S. and Vilquin E., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2005, 589 p. (Seminar held in Bangkok, 25-30 November 2002).  
  Social and Economic Patterning of Health among Women / Les facteurs sociaux et économiques de la santé des femmes, Arber S. and Khlat M., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 511 p. (Seminar held in Tunis, 20-22 January 2000).  
  Education, Family and Population Dynamics / Education, famille et dynamiques familiales, Cosio M. E., Marcoux R., Pilon M., Quesnel A., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 363 p. (Seminar held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 15-19 November 1999).  
  Poverty, Fertility and Family Planning / Pauvreté, fécondité et planification familiale, Cosio-Zavala M. E., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 358 p. (Seminar held in Mexico City, Mexico, 2-4 June 1998).  
  Demographic Evaluation of Health Programmes, Khlat M., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1997, 225 p. (Seminar held in Paris, 26-28 February, 1996).
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  Women's Status and Family Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M. E., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1997, 448 p. (Seminar held in UNESCO, Paris, France, 24-26 February 1997).
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Population-Environment-Development Interactions
  Urbanization and Geographical Distribution of Population, Bui Dang Ha Doan, (ed.), Pusan, SSRC-CICRED, 1990, 306 p. (Initiating Meeting, Pusan, Korea 29 September – 3 October 1989).  

  The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Appleyard R., (ed.), Paris, OCDE, 1989, 404 p. (Meeting organized in Paris, France, February 1987).
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Population variables in the Planning Process / Variables démographiques dans la planification
Socio-Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies
  Population Aging / Le vieillissement démographique, Paris, CICRED, 1985, 64 p. (Initiating meeting, Montebello, Canada, 4-7 October, 1983).  
International Migrations in the Third World / Migration internationales dans le tiers monde
  International Migration, Proceeding of a Seminar on Demographic Research in Relation to International Migration, Tapinos G., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1974, 303 p. (Seminar held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-11 March 1974).
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Demography of the Family
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World
  Seminar on Infant Mortality in Relation to the Level of Fertility, Paris, CICRED, 1975, 367 p. (Seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand, 6-12 may 1975).  

Seminar on Demographic Research in Population Growth Targets, Paris, CICRED, 1973, 102 p. (Seminar held in St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 3-9 April 1973).
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