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Watering the Neighbour's Garden, Attané. I. and CZ Guilmoto (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2007, (Seminar held in Singapore , December 2005). |
Age-structural transitions: challenges for development , Pool I., Wong L. R. and Vilquin E., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2006, 385 p. (Seminar held in Paris, France, 23-26 February, 2004). Two chapters in French (translation by James Walker: 1- ; 2 - ). |
Reproductive health, unmet needs and poverty, Lerner S. and Vilquin E., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2005, 589 p. (Seminar held in Bangkok, 25-30 November 2002). |
Social and Economic Patterning of Health among Women / Les facteurs sociaux et économiques de la santé des femmes, Arber S. and Khlat M., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 511 p. (Seminar held in Tunis, 20-22 January 2000). |
Education, Family and Population Dynamics / Education, famille et dynamiques familiales, Cosio M. E., Marcoux R., Pilon M., Quesnel A., (eds.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 363 p. (Seminar held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 15-19 November 1999). |
Poverty, Fertility and Family Planning / Pauvreté, fécondité et planification familiale, Cosio-Zavala M. E., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 2003, 358 p. (Seminar held in Mexico City, Mexico, 2-4 June 1998). |
Demographic Evaluation of Health Programmes, Khlat M., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1997, 225 p. (Seminar held in Paris, 26-28 February, 1996).
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Women's Status and Family Dynamics, Cosio-Zavala M. E., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1997, 448 p. (Seminar held in UNESCO, Paris, France, 24-26 February 1997).
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Population-Environment-Development Interactions |
Urbanization and Geographical Distribution of Population, Bui Dang Ha Doan, (ed.), Pusan, SSRC-CICRED, 1990, 306 p. (Initiating Meeting, Pusan, Korea 29 September – 3 October 1989). |
The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Appleyard R., (ed.), Paris, OCDE, 1989, 404 p. (Meeting organized in Paris, France, February 1987).
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Population variables in the Planning Process / Variables démographiques dans la planification |
Socio-Economic Differential Mortality in Industrialized Societies |
Population Aging / Le vieillissement démographique, Paris, CICRED, 1985, 64 p. (Initiating meeting, Montebello, Canada, 4-7 October, 1983). |
International Migrations in the Third World / Migration internationales dans le tiers monde |
International Migration, Proceeding of a Seminar on Demographic Research in Relation to International Migration, Tapinos G., (ed.), Paris, CICRED, 1974, 303 p. (Seminar held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-11 March 1974).
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Demography of the Family |
Infant and Child Mortality in the Third World |
Seminar on Infant Mortality in Relation to the Level of Fertility, Paris, CICRED, 1975, 367 p. (Seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand, 6-12 may 1975). |
Seminar on Demographic Research in Population Growth Targets, Paris, CICRED, 1973, 102 p. (Seminar held in St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 3-9 April 1973).
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