A conversation with Richard Easterlin (89.1)
A probability distribution for forward birth interval regardless of parity (36.6)
A statistical model of infant mortality (36.1)
Aging and disability in Quebec: Regional projections 1991-2006 (07.4)
Altruism and the macroeconomic effects of demographic changes (89.7)
An analysis of selected demographic parameters in fertility data of Orissa (36.4)
An assessment of Norplant removal in Indonesia (18.10)
An estimate of the basic demographic parameters in Brankovica region in 1455 (03.2)
Built on sand? The community of fate linking generations and the generation contract (43.8)
Competition or solidarity between 'young' and 'old': Attitudes among French lycée pupils (46.2)
Demographic methods in applied demography: An American perspective (48.8)
Demography: Bringing man back in (43.7)
Drawing policy lessons for Asia from research on ageing (85.9)
Effectiveness of prevention programs for adolescent pregnancy: A meta-analysis (93.4)
Estimation of parity progression ratios from birth order statistics (48.9)
Evaluation of family planning programmes: Critical review and illustrative example (92.5)
Everything old is new again? Processes and theories of immigrant incorporation (11.25)
Evolution and magnitude of poverty in Mexico (24.2)
Explaining Australian immigration (41.11)
Global hunger: The methodologies underlying the official estimates (91.9)
How often do Australians move? Alternative measures of population mobility (41.6)
Immigration theory for a new century: Some problems and opportunities (11.15)
Institutional household: Modelling and forecast by means of microsimulation (38.1)
Intergenerational redistribution in a small open economy with endogenous fertility (89.8)
Joint hazard models of causes and covariates of mortality in a cohort of sub-Saharan children (07.1)
Learning-by-doing, population pressure, and the theory of demographic transition (89.5)
Methodological issues in the South African Incomplete Abortion Study (18.5)
Modeling household fertility decisions with generalized Poisson regression (89.4)
Modelling and forecasting institutional households using microsimulation (43.5)
New directions for the study of Australia's fertility decline (41.14)
On human out migration model (36.5)
Population and the environment: A methodological test in the Haut Tell of Tunisia (01.3)
Population and the environnent in arid countries (01.1)
Population momentum expresses population aging (09.9)
Population reproduction: A method of breakdown and estimation (46.3)
Population size and environmental quality (89.6)
Population, economy and society: Conflict or convergence in the future or Mexico? (24.6)
Projection of living arrangements of the elderly in Japan: 1990-2010 (48.4)
Rethinking assimilation theory for a new era of immigration (11.16)
Retirement patterns in Hong Kong: A censored regression analysis (89.10)
Small-area population estimates: A review of methods used in Britain in the 1990s (94.5)
Social networks and the asylum cycle: The case of Iranians in the Netherlands (11.10)
The influence of quality of care upon contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh (18.8)
The pension incentive to retire: Empirical evidence for West Germany (89.11)
The population growth impacts of zero net international migration (11.2)
The state of applied demography in Australia (41.1)
Why perinatal mortality cannot be a proxy for maternal mortality (18.12)
Women's recall of obstetric complications in South Kalimantan, Indonesia (18.3)
World population in a grid of spherical quadrilaterals (94.2).
A census-based analysis of the economic status of older indigenous Australians (41.3)
A demographic picture of Bulgaria (38.4)
Adolescent birth intentions, social disadvantage, and behavioral outcomes (93.2)
Adult children taking parents into their homes: Effects of childhood living arrangements (93.9)
Ageing and age of retirement (48.2)
Aging of the workforce and early retirement: A study of Dutch multinational (38.3)
An estimate of the basic demographic parameters in Brankovica region in 1455 (03.2)
An overview of the living arrangements and social support exchanges of older Singaporeans (85.6)
Are marriages that cross ethnic boundaries more likely to end in divorce? (41.2)
Beyond marital status: Partner history and well-being in old age (93.8)
Built on sand? The community of fate linking generations and the generation contract (43.8)
Cohabiting partners' economic circumstances and marriage (09.2)
Competition or solidarity between 'young' and 'old': Attitudes among French lycée pupils (46.2)
Demographic implications of aboriginal out-marriage (41.4)
Differentials of the maternal age at first and last births in selected States of India (36.2)
Drawing policy lessons for Asia from research on ageing (85.9)
Ethnocultural identity and induced abortion in Kazakstan (18.11)
Factors determining the aging of a population - the example of Germany (43.13)
Family support and living arrangements of Thai elderly (85.7)
Generations of diversity: Latinos in the United States (13.4)
Is aboriginal fertility on the decline? (41.8)
Living arrangements and support among the elderly in South-East Asia: An introduction (85.4)
Living arrangements, patrilineality and sources of support among elderly Vietnamese (85.8)
Patterns in living arrangements and familial support for the elderly in the Philippines (85.5)
Population dynamics and their impact on adolescents in the ESCAP region (85.1)
Population momentum expresses population aging (09.9)
Projection of living arrangements of the elderly in Japan: 1990-2010 (48.4)
Recent demographic trends in the Czech Republic (38.9)
Repeat pregnancies among adolescent mothers (93.3)
Retirement patterns in Hong Kong: A censored regression analysis (89.10)
Risk factors for teenage fatherhood (93.1)
Social expenditure and demographic evolution: A dynamic approach (48.3)
The age at marriage of female and family welfare (36.3)
The contemporary demography of indigenous Australians (41.16)
The economic welfare and health of Quebec seniors (07.3)
Adult children taking parents into their homes: Effects of childhood living arrangements (93.9)
An overview of the living arrangements and social support exchanges of older Singaporeans (85.6)
Are young people leaving home earlier or later? (41.7)
Beyond marital status: Partner history and well-being in old age (93.8)
Economic resources of spouses and disagreement about marital decision making (38.5)
Effect of AIDS on children: The problem of orphans in Uganda (57.1)
Factors leading to the establishment of child-headed households: The case of Zimbabwe (57.22)
Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru - An empirical analysis (89.9)
Family support and living arrangements of Thai elderly (85.7)
Institutional household: Modelling and forecast by means of microsimulation (38.1)
Leaving home: The experience of migration from the parental home in Britain since c. 1770 (12.1)
Living arrangements and family formation attitudes in early adulthood (93.7)
Living arrangements and support among the elderly in South-East Asia: An introduction (85.4)
Living arrangements, patrilineality and sources of support among elderly Vietnamese (85.8)
Modelling and forecasting institutional households using microsimulation (43.5)
Northern Vietnamese households (41.9)
Orphanhood, child fostering and the AIDS epidemic in rural Tanzania (57.21)
Patterns in living arrangements and familial support for the elderly in the Philippines (85.5)
Projection of living arrangements of the elderly in Japan: 1990-2010 (48.4)
The age at marriage of female and family welfare (36.3)
The immigrant family: Cultural legacies and cultural changes (11.20)
The transformation of housing and household structures in France and Great Britain (94.1)
Trends in American family size diversity (88.1).
Community-level determinants of contraceptive use in the Philippines: A structural analysis (09.6)
Determinants of areal childhood mortality in Swaziland (92.4)
Drought and displacement in Douentza (Mali): A Sahelian case study (01.6)
Global hunger: The methodologies underlying the official estimates (91.9)
Managed growth and optimum population: Irreconcilable concepts (91.8)
Population and environment relationships in the Tunisian desert (01.5)
Population and the environment: A methodological test in the Haut Tell of Tunisia (01.3)
Population and the environnent in arid countries (01.1)
Population policy issues in arid lands (01.2)
Population pressure and the food supply system in the developing world (24.7)
Population, food, and nutrition (13.1)
Public housing and migration: A multi-level modelling approach (94.3)
Space, natural resources and social needs in Burkina Faso: What future for the environment? (01.7)
The absurdity of a human-centered ethics (91.4)
The greenhouse effect: An interdisciplinary perspective (91.6)
The impact of man on desertirication: A case study in Tunisia (01.4)
A census-based analysis of the economic status of older indigenous Australians (41.3)
Assimilation and its discontents: Between rhetoric and reality (11.19)
Changes in tobacco use among youth aged 15 to 24 since the 1987 "santé Québec" survey (07.5)
Ethics and reproductive health: A principled approach (77.10)
Feminists and neo-Malthusians: Past and present alliances (17.1)
Population, ethics and equity (48.1)
Second generation decline? Children of immigrants, past and present - A reconsideration (11.18)
Sexual abuse in the health professions: Who's counting? (77.11)
The absurdity of a human-centered ethics (91.4)
Women and smoking: A global issue (77.7).
Ethnocultural identity and induced abortion in Kazakstan (18.11)
Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru - An empirical analysis (89.9)
Fertility and culture in Eastern Europe: A case study of Riga, Latvia, 1867-1881 (65.2)
First generation Iranian immigrants and the question of cultural identity: The case of Iowa (11.11)
Learning in social networks and contraceptive choice (09.5)
Structural and assimilationist explanations of Asian American intermarriage (93.10)
The buzz outside the clinics: Conversations and contraception in Nyanza province, Kenya (18.9)
The immigrant family: Cultural legacies and cultural changes (11.20)
The impact of immigration on school education in New South Wales, Australia (11.13)
A census-based analysis of the economic status of older indigenous Australians (41.3)
Aging of the workforce and early retirement: A study of Dutch multinational (38.3)
Combining employment and parenthood: A longitudinal study of intentions of Dutch young adults (88.4)
Day care and female employment in Mexico: Descriptive evidence and policy considerations (24.8)
Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru - An empirical analysis (89.9)
Men's career development and marriage timing during a period of rising inequality (09.1)
Recent changes in the Mexican industrial labour force (24.1)
The pension incentive to retire: Empirical evidence for West Germany (89.11)
The question of discrimination: Skilled migrants' access to Australian employment (51.4)
The worldwide market for skilled migrants: Can Australia compete? (11.14)
Urban labor markets and individual transitions out of poverty (09.10)
Ageing and age of retirement (48.2)
Altruism and the macroeconomic effects of demographic changes (89.7)
Built on sand? The community of fate linking generations and the generation contract (43.8)
Cohabiting partners' economic circumstances and marriage (09.2)
Drought and displacement in Douentza (Mali): A Sahelian case study (01.6)
Evaluating the local impacts of recent immigration to California: Realism versus racism (88.5)
Evolution and magnitude of poverty in Mexico (24.2)
Family migration and the economic status of women in Malaysia (11.4)
Family support and living arrangements of Thai elderly (85.7)
Fertility, old-age security and population policy. Evidences of a field-study: Kinshasa (92.2)
Future expenditures for health care (38.6)
Has the role structure really changed between husband and wife in Korea? (33.5)
Immigration and county employment growth (88.6)
Intergenerational redistribution in a small open economy with endogenous fertility (89.8)
Intergenerational resource flows in Côte d'Ivoire: Empirical analysis of aggregate flows (17.2)
Internal migration and development in Vietnam (11.3)
Learning-by-doing, population pressure, and the theory of demographic transition (89.5)
Migration, work and projects of return migrants in Rarotonga (Cook Islands) (81.2)
Neo-isolationism, balanced-budget conservatism, and the fiscal impacts of immigrants (11.23)
Population size and environmental quality (89.6)
Population, economy and society: Conflict or convergence in the future or Mexico? (24.6)
Poverty and the marital behavior of young women (93.6)
Refugee remittances: Conceptual issues and the Cuban (and Nicaraguan) experiences (11.7)
Retirement patterns in Hong Kong: A censored regression analysis (89.10)
Social expenditure and demographic evolution: A dynamic approach (48.3)
Space, natural resources and social needs in Burkina Faso: What future for the environment? (01.7)
The economic welfare and health of Quebec seniors (07.3)
The impact of man on desertirication: A case study in Tunisia (01.4)
The pension incentive to retire: Empirical evidence for West Germany (89.11)
The restructuring of the New Zealand welfare sector 1989-91 (81.3)
Urban labor markets and individual transitions out of poverty (09.10)
A note on the mortality of British troops in Australia and New Zealand 1788-1864 (41.15)
AIDS mortality in Uganda: Circumstances, factors and impact of death (57.9)
Day care and female employment in Mexico: Descriptive evidence and policy considerations (24.8)
Drawing policy lessons for Asia from research on ageing (85.9)
Economic resources of spouses and disagreement about marital decision making (38.5)
Neo-isolationism, balanced-budget conservatism, and the fiscal impacts of immigrants (11.23)
Older women in an aging world: Achieving health across the life course (77.8)
Opportunities for family policy as an element of European social policy? (43.11)
Population policy issues in arid lands (01.2)
Safe country provisions in Canada and in the European Union: A critical assessment (11.9)
Socialism, unification policy and the rise of racism in Eastern Germany (11.8)
The transformation of housing and household structures in France and Great Britain (94.1)
Women and AIDS in South and South-East Asia: The challenge and the response (77.3).
Attitudes toward childbearing among young parents (93.5)
Beyond marital status: Partner history and well-being in old age (93.8)
Combating female genital mutilation: An agenda for the next decade (77.9)
Combining employment and parenthood: A longitudinal study of intentions of Dutch young adults (88.4)
Constructing ethnicity: Myth of return and modes of exclusion among Israelis in Toronto (51.3)
Couple childbearing desires, intentions, and births (09.3)
Declining birth rates and the wish to have children - experience in Eastern Germany (43.2)
Do male reproductive preferences really point to a need to refocus fertility policy? (88.3)
Double jeopardy: Women and leprosy in India (77.6)
Evaluating the local impacts of recent immigration to California: Realism versus racism (88.5)
Family migration and the economic status of women in Malaysia (11.4)
Gender, power, and population change (13.2)
Has the role structure really changed between husband and wife in Korea? (33.5)
HIV/AIDS, change in sexual behaviour and community attitudes in Uganda (57.7)
Living arrangements and family formation attitudes in early adulthood (93.7)
Men's attitudes toward parenthood (88.2)
Men's unmet need for family planning: Implications for African fertility transitions (18.2)
Migrant labour, sexual networking and multi-partnered sex in Malawi (57.23)
Population reproduction in the works of Svetozar Markovic (03.5)
Poverty and the marital behavior of young women (93.6)
Reproductive decision making in Nigeria: An overview (92.7)
Sexual transmission of HIV to women in industrialized countries (77.4)
Social continuity of changes within demographic behaviour of young generation (39.3)
Socialism, unification policy and the rise of racism in Eastern Germany (11.8)
Son preference and differential treatment in Morocco and Tunisia (18.6)
The consequences of international migration for the status of women: A Turkish study (51.2)
The effects of sex-selective abortion on fertility level in Korea (33.3)
The question of discrimination: Skilled migrants' access to Australian employment (51.4)
Underlying factors in female sexual partner instability in Kampala (57.4)
Urban labor markets and individual transitions out of poverty (09.10)
Women and AIDS in South and South-East Asia: The challenge and the response (77.3)
Women and migration: A public health issue (77.12)
Combating female genital mutilation: An agenda for the next decade (77.9)
Consanguineous marriages in the United Arab Emirates (55.6)
Contraceptive method mix menu: Providing healthy choices for women (77.2)
Day care and female employment in Mexico: Descriptive evidence and policy considerations (24.8)
Double jeopardy: Women and leprosy in India (77.6)
Ethics and reproductive health: A principled approach (77.10)
Future expenditures for health care (38.6)
Infectious diseases - New and ancient threats to world health (13.3)
Older women in an aging world: Achieving health across the life course (77.8)
Paradoxes of health transition in Europe's poorest country: Albania 1950-90 (17.4)
Secular changes in the height of Fijians and Indo-Fijians (41.5)
Sexual abuse in the health professions: Who's counting? (77.11)
Surname and consanguineous marriages in Japan (55.2)
The economic welfare and health of Quebec seniors (07.3)
Women's recall of obstetric complications in South Kalimantan, Indonesia (18.3)
Women and migration: A public health issue (77.12).
A note on suicide in Russia, 1965-1993 (41.10)
A note on the mortality of British troops in Australia and New Zealand 1788-1864 (41.15)
A statistical model of infant mortality (36.1)
Aging and disability in Quebec: Regional projections 1991-2006 (07.4)
Determinants of areal childhood mortality in Swaziland (92.4)
Double jeopardy: Women and leprosy in India (77.6)
Effect of AIDS on children: The problem of orphans in Uganda (57.1)
Estimates of the impact of HIV infection on fertility in a rural Ugandan population cohort (57.19)
Factors leading to the establishment of child-headed households: The case of Zimbabwe (57.22)
Fertility levels and trends in the face of the AIDS epidemic in Uganda (57.6)
Frontier settlement and child survival in the Brazilian Amazon (91.3)
HIV and fertility change in rural Zimbabwe (57.18)
HIV infection in rural households, Rakai district, Uganda (57.20)
HIV prevalence and lifetime risk of dying of AIDS (57.15)
HIV/AIDS, change in sexual behaviour and community attitudes in Uganda (57.7)
Infant and child mortality determinants in Bangladesh: Are they changing? (55.1)
Infant mortality in the Czech Republic during 1980-1993 in regional view (39.2)
Infectious diseases - New and ancient threats to world health (13.3)
Joint hazard models of causes and covariates of mortality in a cohort of sub-Saharan children (07.1)
Levels and causes of adult mortality in rural Tanzania with special reference to HIV/AIDS (57.16)
Levels and patterns of infant and child mortality in Mongolia (85.3)
Migrant labour, sexual networking and multi-partnered sex in Malawi (57.23)
Orphanhood, child fostering and the AIDS epidemic in rural Tanzania (57.21)
Paradoxes of health transition in Europe's poorest country: Albania 1950-90 (17.4)
Postpartum sexual abstinence in the era of AIDS in Ghana: Prospects for change (57.10)
Serial marriages and AIDS in Masaka district (57.3)
Sexual transmission of HIV to women in industrialized countries (77.4)
The AIDS epidemic and infant and child mortality in six districts of Uganda (57.8)
The unique decline of mortality in revolutionary France (12.2)
Trends in disability-free life expectancy in the United States, 1970-90 (17.3)
Underlying factors in female sexual partner instability in Kampala (57.4)
Why perinatal mortality cannot be a proxy for maternal mortality (18.12)
Widowhood, remarriage and migration during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda (57.5)
Women and AIDS in South and South-East Asia: The challenge and the response (77.3)
Women and smoking: A global issue (77.7)
Are marriages that cross ethnic boundaries more likely to end in divorce? (41.2)
Cohabiting partners' economic circumstances and marriage (09.2)
Consanguineous marriages in the United Arab Emirates (55.6)
Consensual partnering in New Zealand: Evidence from three censuses (81.1)
Demographic implications of aboriginal out-marriage (41.4)
Fertility and nuptiality changes in Central and Eastern Europe: 1982-1993 (03.1)
Living arrangements and family formation attitudes in early adulthood (93.7)
Living as a couple but living apart (46.1)
Men's career development and marriage timing during a period of rising inequality (09.1)
Polygyny and reproductive behavior in sub-Saharan Africa: A contextual analysis (09.4)
Poverty and the marital behavior of young women (93.6)
Recent changes in marriage patterns in rural Bangladesh (85.2)
Social continuity of changes within demographic behaviour of young generation (39.3)
Structural and assimilationist explanations of Asian American intermarriage (93.10)
Surname and consanguineous marriages in Japan (55.2)
The consequences of divorce for intergenerational exchanges within families (38.8)
Trends in American family size diversity (88.1)
Widowhood, remarriage and migration during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda (57.5)
Women's recall of obstetric complications in South Kalimantan, Indonesia (18.3).
'The fear to forget my pill is enough to make me ill.' A qualitative study of Moroccan women (38.2)
A conversation with Richard Easterlin (89.1)
A probability distribution for forward birth interval regardless of parity (36.6)
A probability distribution on the fertility of migrants: A model approach (48.6)
A socioeconomic analysis of the determinants of fertility: The case of Vietnam (89.3)
Adolescent birth intentions, social disadvantage, and behavioral outcomes (93.2)
An analysis of selected demographic parameters in fertility data of Orissa (36.4)
An assessment of Norplant removal in Indonesia (18.10)
Attitudes toward childbearing among young parents (93.5)
Changing patterns of extramarital conceptions in the Czech Republic, 1960-93 (55.5)
Combining employment and parenthood: A longitudinal study of intentions of Dutch young adults (88.4)
Community-level determinants of contraceptive use in the Philippines: A structural analysis (09.6)
Contraceptive method mix menu: Providing healthy choices for women (77.2)
Couple childbearing desires, intentions, and births (09.3)
Declining birth rates and the wish to have children - experience in Eastern Germany (43.2)
Differentials of the maternal age at first and last births in selected States of India (36.2)
Do male reproductive preferences really point to a need to refocus fertility policy? (88.3)
Effectiveness of prevention programs for adolescent pregnancy: A meta-analysis (93.4)
Estimates of the impact of HIV infection on fertility in a rural Ugandan population cohort (57.19)
Estimation of parity progression ratios from birth order statistics (48.9)
Ethnocultural identity and induced abortion in Kazakstan (18.11)
Factors underlying unmet need for family planning in the Philippines (18.1)
Facts and determinants of fertility transition in Morocco (48.10)
Family planning in Isparta, Turkey (55.8)
Family planning in the Jewish population of Israel: Correlates of withdrawal use (18.4)
Fertility and culture in Eastern Europe: A case study of Riga, Latvia, 1867-1881 (65.2)
Fertility and nuptiality changes in Central and Eastern Europe: 1982-1993 (03.1)
Fertility in Japan and France (46.4)
Fertility levels and trends in the face of the AIDS epidemic in Uganda (57.6)
Fertility of Australian birth cohorts: components and differentials (41.13)
Fertility of immigrant women in California (91.2)
Fertility, old-age security and population policy. Evidences of a field-study: Kinshasa (92.2)
HIV and fertility change in rural Zimbabwe (57.18)
Intergenerational redistribution in a small open economy with endogenous fertility (89.8)
Intergenerational resource flows in Côte d'Ivoire: Empirical analysis of aggregate flows (17.2)
Is aboriginal fertility on the decline? (41.8)
Learning in social networks and contraceptive choice (09.5)
Levels and patterns of infant and child mortality in Mongolia (85.3)
Men's attitudes toward parenthood (88.2)
Men's unmet need for family planning: Implications for African fertility transitions (18.2)
Methodological issues in the South African Incomplete Abortion Study (18.5)
Modeling household fertility decisions with generalized Poisson regression (89.4)
New directions for the study of Australia's fertility decline (41.14)
Polygyny and reproductive behavior in sub-Saharan Africa: A contextual analysis (09.4)
Population reproduction in the works of Svetozar Markovic (03.5)
Postpartum sexual abstinence in the era of AIDS in Ghana: Prospects for change (57.10)
Regional correlates of choice of contraceptive methods in Nigeria (33.6)
Repeat pregnancies among adolescent mothers (93.3)
Reproductive decision making in Nigeria: An overview (92.7)
Risk factors for teenage fatherhood (93.1)
Social continuity of changes within demographic behaviour of young generation (39.3)
The buzz outside the clinics: Conversations and contraception in Nyanza province, Kenya (18.9)
The determinants of natural fertility (03.3)
The effects of sex-selective abortion on fertility level in Korea (33.3)
The influence of quality of care upon contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh (18.8)
Trends and differentials in desired family size in Kenya (92.1)
Trends in unwanted childbearing in the developing world (18.7)
'The fear to forget my pill is enough to make me ill.' A qualitative study of Moroccan women (38.2)
A probability distribution on the fertility of migrants: A model approach (48.6)
Are marriages that cross ethnic boundaries more likely to end in divorce? (41.2)
Are young people leaving home earlier or later? (41.7)
Assimilation and its discontents: Between rhetoric and reality (11.19)
Constructing ethnicity: Myth of return and modes of exclusion among Israelis in Toronto (51.3)
Drought and displacement in Douentza (Mali): A Sahelian case study (01.6)
Evaluating the local impacts of recent immigration to California: Realism versus racism (88.5)
Everything old is new again? Processes and theories of immigrant incorporation (11.25)
Explaining Australian immigration (41.11)
Family migration and the economic status of women in Malaysia (11.4)
Fertility of immigrant women in California (91.2)
First generation Iranian immigrants and the question of cultural identity: The case of Iowa (11.11)
Frontier settlement and child survival in the Brazilian Amazon (91.3)
Generations of diversity: Latinos in the United States (13.4)
Greek immigrants in Australia: Demographic developments and economic integration (51.5)
How often do Australians move? Alternative measures of population mobility (41.6)
Immigration and county employment growth (88.6)
Immigration theory for a new century: Some problems and opportunities (11.15)
In-migration and asylum in Germany - against the background of demographic developments (43.12)
Internal migration and development in Vietnam (11.3)
International migration of Koreans and the Korean community in China (33.1)
Leaving home: The experience of migration from the parental home in Britain since c. 1770 (12.1)
Managing international migration in developing countries (51.1)
Migrant labour, sexual networking and multi-partnered sex in Malawi (57.23)
Migration, work and projects of return migrants in Rarotonga (Cook Islands) (81.2)
Neo-isolationism, balanced-budget conservatism, and the fiscal impacts of immigrants (11.23)
On human out migration model (36.5)
Public housing and migration: A multi-level modelling approach (94.3)
Refugee remittances: Conceptual issues and the Cuban (and Nicaraguan) experiences (11.7)
Rethinking assimilation theory for a new era of immigration (11.16)
Safe country provisions in Canada and in the European Union: A critical assessment (11.9)
Second generation decline? Children of immigrants, past and present - A reconsideration (11.18)
Serial marriages and AIDS in Masaka district (57.3)
Social networks and the asylum cycle: The case of Iranians in the Netherlands (11.10)
Socialism, unification policy and the rise of racism in Eastern Germany (11.8)
The consequences of international migration for the status of women: A Turkish study (51.2)
The immigrant family: Cultural legacies and cultural changes (11.20)
The impact of immigration on school education in New South Wales, Australia (11.13)
The population growth impacts of zero net international migration (11.2)
The question of discrimination: Skilled migrants' access to Australian employment (51.4)
The worldwide market for skilled migrants: Can Australia compete? (11.14)
Widowhood, remarriage and migration during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda (57.5)
Women and migration: A public health issue (77.12).
A demographic picture of Bulgaria (38.4)
Altruism and the macroeconomic effects of demographic changes (89.7)
Demographic change in eastern Germany - development and possible explanations (43.9)
Demographic implications of aboriginal out-marriage (41.4)
Development of Population in the Czech Republic in 1996 (39.1)
Factors determining the aging of a population - the example of Germany (43.13)
Learning-by-doing, population pressure, and the theory of demographic transition (89.5)
Managed growth and optimum population: Irreconcilable concepts (91.8)
Options and sequences: Europe's demographic patterns (41.12)
Population dynamics and their impact on adolescents in the ESCAP region (85.1)
Population momentum expresses population aging (09.9)
Population pressure and the food supply system in the developing world (24.7)
Population reproduction: A method of breakdown and estimation (46.3)
Population size and environmental quality (89.6)
Recent demographic trends in the Czech Republic (38.9)
The contemporary demography of indigenous Australians (41.16)
The population growth impacts of zero net international migration (11.2)
World population in a grid of spherical quadrilaterals (94.2).
Demographic change in eastern Germany - development and possible explanations (43.9)
Facts and determinants of fertility transition in Morocco (48.10)
Keeping the balance: Ancient Greek philosophical concerns with population and environment (91.5)
Population reproduction in the works of Svetozar Markovic (03.5)
Trends in unwanted childbearing in the developing world (18.7).