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France (Paris) 70


1996 - VOLUME 32, NUMBER 1

The renewable natural resources: Usages, customs and symbolization

1996 - VOLUME 32, NUMBER 2

97.70.1 - French - Lourdes DIAZ OLVERA and Didier PLAT

Everyday mobility in Ouagadougou (Mobilités quotidiennes à Ouagadougou) (p. 293-310)

The forms and determinants of daily mobility of African urban residents are still not well known. However, occupations, places and means of transport are all signs that reveal certain facets of urban life. A 1992 survey of Ouagadougou households reveals strongly contrasted mobility structures that can be referred to differences in gender, home place and income. (BURKINA FASO, CAPITAL CITY, GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY, TRANSPORT, URBAN TRAFFIC)

97.70.2 - French - Patrick D'AQUINO

From sand to clay. Use of land in the Djelgodji, northern Burkina Faso (Du sable à l'argile. L'occupation de l'espace dans le Djelgodji (Nord-Burkina Faso) (p. 311-334)

In Soum province in northern Burkina Faso, the diversity of Fulani society has not been covered by the politico-religious hegemonies of neighbouring regions (Macina, Yatenga and Sokoto). The recent confrontation between the agricultural and pastoral worlds has resulted in a multitude of possible scenarios for the organisation of space and relations between arable farming and animal husbandry. The regional area is structured according to the different phases of human installation and according to the type of organisation of societies and their perceptions of space. Whether arable farmer or livestock breeder, man first automatically settled the sandy area. Subsequently, new dynamics (agricultural pressure) rather than climatic events led to development of the way in which resources are used and concentration on clayey-gravelly land (for animal husbandry) and especially bottom land (for livestock and arable farming). Often accused of being static, Sahelian agropastoral systems thus demonstrate their potential for adaptation to changing contexts. However, these changes occur in a context of social destructuring and landholding disorganisation that is handicap for their sustainability. (BURKINA FASO, PROVINCES, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, HUMAN GEOGRAPHY)

97.70.3 - French - Jean-Luc DUBOIS

The experience of the Social Dimensions of Adjustment programme. Methodological contributions and overall reflection (L'expérience du programme Dimensions sociales de l'ajustement. Apports méthodologiques et réflexions d'ensemble) (p. 379-404)

Initiated in 1988 for a four-year period, the Social Dimensions of Adjustment programme was aimed at helping sub-Saharan countries in integrating social concerns in the design of their macroeconomic policies. A conceptual framework was designed based on the relationship between the macro, meso and microeconomic decision levels at which the social impacts appear. A programme of action comprised four components: household surveys, economic analysis, social action programmes and training. More than twenty national projects were implemented along these lines for a total $US 250 million. There have been many conceptual and methodological innovations: a hierarchical information system, an integrated survey system, sector analysis plans, social modelling, restructuring of public expenditure, social funds, etc. Several social action programmes aimed at alleviating the social consequences of adjustment policies on the poorest people were implemented. However, the main objective of redesigning the adjustment policies as more socially oriented policies was not fully attained because of the limited duration of the programme. (AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA, ECONOMIC POLICY, SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES, POVERTY, INFORMATION SYSTEMS)

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