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Italy (Rome) 50


JUNE 1996 - VOLUME 33, NUMBER 122

97.50.1 - Italian -Paolo BONETTI, Facoltą di giurisprudenza dell'Universitą degli Studi di Milano, Milan (Italy)

Notes on status of non-EC citizens living in Italy, 1995-1996 (Brevi note sull'evoluzione della condizione giuridica dei cittadini extracomunitari in Italia nel 1995/96) (p. 178-198)

In 1995/96 Italian immigration decrees on the legal status of non-EC citizens have maintained a confused and, in some cases, an unconstitutional character. Government decree n. 489/November 1995, issued on the ground of an alleged emergency, did not succeed in regulating incoming flows for seasonal work and enforcing restrictive measures on illegal immigration. Hopefully, it will manage to clear the position of 250,000 illegal entries. This latter provision is likely to prove a further incentive for illegal immigrants, the right opposite of what the government had in mind.

The continuous and improvised government issues, which the Constitutional Court has proved in contrast with the Constitution at least in five cases (see for instance the entry and residence permit for religious matters), urgently calls for an organic law on the legal position of immigrants in Italy. This was the aim which the previous Ciampi's government had pursued in vain in early 1994. (ITALY, FOREIGNERS, IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION)

97.50.2 - Italian -Giovanna CAMPANI, Universitą di Firenze, Florence (Italy), Francesco CARCHEDI, Parsec-Ricerca e Interventi sociali (Italy), and Giovanni MOTTURA, Universitą di Modena, Modčne (Italy)

Flexibility and regularization. Immigrant' seasonal employment in Italy (Flessibilitą e regolarizzazione. Aspetti e problemi del lavoro stagionale degli immigrati in Italia) (p. 199-222)

The study focuses on a number of theories put forward by best scholars on immigrants labour patterns in Italy. Particular attention is given to different aspects of seasonal labour, including mobility and flexibility, especially in the agricultural sector in the South.

Agriculture is in fact the main source of occupation for various ethnic communities, and is very often entangled with precariousness and irregularity. This particular field of employment appears to be struck by the most serious problems, both for the socioeconomic implications of a precarious and hard work, and the social conditions of immigrants involved.

The study suggests that a precise and immediate regularization of seasonal labour is urgently needed, even taking into serious account proposals made by CNEL (National Council for Economy and Employment) in 1994 and provisions of the Dini's decree, which was issued in November 1995 and is still in force. (ITALY, IMMIGRANT WORKERS, SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT, AGRICULTURE, LEGISLATION)

97.50.3 - Italian -Giacomo DI GENNARO, Domenico PIZZUTI and Massimo CONTE, Istituto di Studi e Ricerche Sociali (ISERS), Facoltą Teologica dell'Italia Merididionale, Naples (Italy)

Non-European Community immigrants: An empirical research on three provinces (L'immigrazione extracomunitaria in Campania : risultati di una ricerca empirica in tre province) (p. 223-271)

The study is based on the results of an empirical non-European Community immigrants living in Campania. The research shows that several peculiarities reflect the structure of local contexts. It also reveals the many facets of the social phenomenon and to what extent external factors have influenced individual attitudes and personal motivations have affected migratory process.

The essential aspects analyzed in the study refer to immigrants motivations, place and country of origin, working conditions at home and in the new environment, characteristics of working activity in Campania. The final part deals with social integration and migrants' relations with local institutions. The specific character of Campanian immigration is for many reasons connected with a widespread irregular economy which deeply affects migrants personal attitudes and strategies. (ITALY, PROVINCES, IMMIGRATION, MIGRANT ASSIMILATION, MIGRATION DETERMINANTS)

97.50.4 - Italian -Corrado BONIFAZI and Frank HEINS, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione del CNR (Italy)

Return migration in the Italian migratory system: A new approach (Le migrazioni di ritorno nel sistema migratorio italiano : un riesame) (p. 273-303)

Italian statistics on international migrations are not fully reliable in order to give return flows a proper evaluation. Since 1950s, the regions more concerned with emigration and consequently with return migration were those in the North-East and in the South of Italy. The overall positive effects of emigration were generally ascribed to emigrants remittances, savings and pensions. On a regional level, the effects of return migration are very much connected with socioeconomic structure. Only highly developed and autonomous regions can absorb productive investments and changes brought about by return migration. Several southern regions - especially those with greater migration experience - have shown in the last decades a very poor socio-economic development.

Studies here analyzed reveal that the South of Italy has not gained a great deal from return migrations, be they from the North and the Centre of Italy, European or overseas countries. Savings sent home were mainly used to improve family welfare and housing conditions. They were very rarely invested in industrial enterprises, either on a bigger or smaller scale, and in agriculture. Returning pensioners, mostly from Northern or Central Italy, contributed to Southern regions development, at least until they were not claiming social benefits at very high social costs. While return migrations are often of little benefit for the regions concerned, they are on the contrary very powerful factors in promoting family and migrants social mobility. (ITALY, RETURN MIGRATION, ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS)

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