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Japan (Tokyo) 32


JANUARY 1996 - VOLUME 51, NUMBER 4 (N° 217)

97.32.1 - Japanese - Kiyosi HIROSIMA, Moriyuki OE, Chizuko YAMAMOTO, Toru SUZUKI, Katsuhisa KOJIMA, Tsukasa SASAI, Hiromichi SAKAI and Yukiko OTOMO

Household changes in Japan: Major findings of the Third National Survey, 1994 (p. 1-31)

The Third National Survey on Household Changes was conducted by the Institute of Population Problems on 15th October 1994 to clarify how each household was modified and what were the factors that caused the changes. The survey was carried out for the nationally representative sample of household heads and individuals aged 18 and over. The valid samples are 8,578 households and 20,788 individuals. The survey clarified the four elements of the household changes in recent Japan: since 1960, household formation behavior is getting more and more nuclearized; the increase in middle- and old-age household members caused by the population ageing has accelerated the reduction of the household size; since demographic transition in Japan finished around 1960, the sibling size is smaller for younger cohorts born before 1960; the decrease in sibling size is supposed to have raised the possibility for these cohorts to coreside with parents and to have restrained the decline in coresidence with parents or the rise in leaving parental home. The rise in age at leaving parental home could be attributed to such changes as the delay of marriage and the higher educational enrollment. Concerning the reason of departure, more and more young males and females leave parental home at their educational upgrading. The most prevalent reason of departure is getting the first job. (JAPAN, HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS, HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION, HOUSEHOLD SIZE)

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