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Poland (Warsaw) 90


1992 - NUMBER 2

94.90.01 - English - Ewa FRATCZAK, The Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland), and Barbara PASZEK, The Institute of Economic Calculation Methods, The Academy of Economy, Al. Raclawicka 27, 31-150 Cracow (Poland)

An Examination of Family and Migration Career Correlation: An Application of the Non-Parametric Analysis Methods to the Results of the Retrospective Study "Life Course (Family, Occupational and Migratory Biography), 1988" (p. 5-47)

The paper studies the interdependencies between family and migration based on the results of a Polish retrospective survey in 1988, "Life Course (Family, occupational and migratory biography)". Two main questions have been asked to which the analysis results provided answers: 1) how does migration influence the future family career of individuals?; 2) how does an event in a family career, eg. birth of a child, influence migration options? Two methods of non-parametric analysis were taken into consideration, i.e. a method of standardization and a method based on the theory of dependent competing risks. Conclusions following from the application of the competing risks model correspond to those drawn from the standardization method. (POLAND, EVENT HISTORY ANALYSIS, LIFE CYCLE, MIGRATION)

94.90.02 - English - Janusz WITKOWSKI and Anna KOWALSKA, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

The Quality of Natural Environment and Mortality. Based on the Example of Major Cities in Poland (p. 48-57)

The paper presents the results of the study on the relationship between environmental degeneration and mortality in major cities of Poland. The intensity and structure of causes of death are shaped by many multifarious factors. The most recent classifications of these determinants also include ecological conditions. The authors examine 22 major cities differing according to the degree of pollution, so the comparative analysis is the primary basis of their research. The main aim is to verify the existence of different mortality patterns for the ecologically endangered cities and the centres located in more beneficial environments. The analysis employs traditional tools of mortality evaluation, life tables and methods of multiple regression. The basic part of the research is limited to the 1980s. The influence of the natural environment quality on mortality is diversified according to sex and age but, in general, the interdependence is not strong. However, it should be remembered that the effects of the present environmental degeneration may be more noxious in the future, since its destructive results may be delayed. (POLAND, ENVIRONMENT, URBAN AREAS, MORTALITY DETERMINANTS)

94.90.03 - English - Adam JOZEFOWICZ, Demographic Committee, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)

Polish Education in the Crisis Decade: The Testimony of Population Census (p. 58-78)

The functioning of the education sector in Poland, already criticised in the 1970s, emerged from the crisis decade of the 1980s in a much more ailing condition. The main problem was the increasing availability of qualifications combined with decreasing opportunities of using them profitably. The time-accumulated outcomes of such a collision, magnified by the economic recession, became, in turn, transmitted into the declining state revenue and the freeze on further educational outlays. They also adversely affected students' motivation for prolonging their schooling. Comparing consecutive population census results (1978, 1988), some statistical evidence supporting the above hypothesis has been gathered and commented on. (POLAND, EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, ECONOMIC RECESSION, CENSUSES)

94.90.04 - English - Irena E. KOTOWSKA, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Demographic Determinants of Labour Market in Poland in 1990-2000 (p. 79-105)

For a proper evaluation of the starting point of the transition to market economy in Poland, a knowledge of economic, demographic and institutional determinants is necessary. The labour market situation is one of the most important elements of these rapid economic changes so its determinants should be discussed cautiously. In the article, three basic demographic determinants of the labour market are considered: changes in the working-age population (WAP), labour force participation, a structure of economically active population (labour force) by age, sex and sectors (non-agriculture, agriculture) together with the spatial disaggregation (urban and rural areas). The level of education is introduced as the additional cross-section for the labour force. The analysis covers the years 1975-2000, with special emphasis on years 1988-1990, and provides information of great importance for the inference on possible changes in the labour market situation. (POLAND, LABOUR MARKET, DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES, PROJECTIONS)

94.90.05 - English - Ewa FRATCZAK, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Poland: Evidence from Survey "Life Course (Family, Occupational and Migratory Biography), 1988" (p. 106-126)

The paper presents a structural analysis of the living arrangements of the elderly in Poland based on the results of the Polish retrospective survey 1988 - "Life Course (Family, Occupational and Migratory Biography)". Evaluation of living arrangements includes persons aged 60 and over and concentrates mainly on: family and household composition, intergenerational transfer, occupational activity of the retired persons and selected aspects of health and life satisfaction. Family and household composition is a central focus of the paper. The data on household type were correlated with these concerning socioeconomic characteristics of the surveyed population, mainly: range of intergenerational transfer, range of occupational activity, etc. (POLAND, EVENT HISTORY ANALYSIS, AGED, HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION)

94.90.06 - English - Krystyna DRZEWIENIECKA and Kazimierz DZIENIO, Government Population Commission, Plac Trzech Krzyky 5, 00-507 Warsaw (Poland)

Demographic Situation in Poland in 1989 on the Basis of the Report of the Government Population Commission (p. 127-147)

The study contains the most important statements of the subsequent, sixteenth report of the Government Population Commission on "Poland's demographic situation". Apart from the most important aspects of current demographic processes and phenomena, both nationwide and within voivodships, the 1990 Report presents for the first time an analysis of mortality caused by civilization diseases (circulatory and respiratory system diseases, malignant neoplasms, injuries and poisonings), viewed by basic administrative units (towns and districts). Moreover, the 1990 Report presents an analysis of changes in the structures of the socio-demographic situation of households and families, disability, and the external migration of Poland's population in the years 1978-1988. The Report also contains an analysis of the changes in Polish family life over the post war period, conducted from a sociological point of view. (POLAND, ANNUAL REPORTS, POPULATION SITUATION)

94.90.07 - English - Krystyna DRZEWIENIECKA and Kazimierz DZIENIO, Government Population Commission, Plac Trzech Krzyky 5, 00-507 Warsaw (Poland)

Predicted Changes in the Years 1990-2010 in the State and Structure of Productive Age Population in Poland and in Selected European Countries and Their Consequences for External Migrations (p. 148-163)

As far as the development of labour resources is concerned, most important are changes in the rates and structure of the working age population (15-59/64 years of age). It is anticipated that, in Europe, the working age population will grow until 2005. The largest growth will occur in 1991-1995, then, starting from 1995, it will decrease, and finally, after 2005, the numbers in the working age population in Europe will drop. The development of working age populations in the four regions of Europe will be different. The least advantageous situation in this field will arise in Western Europe, where, in 1991-2010, the working age population will be reduced by over 2.2 million, i.e. by 2%. In both Southern and Northern Europe, the working age population will grow modestly (1.2 and 1.9 million respectively, i.e. 1.3% and 3.6%). On the other hand, in Eastern Europe, the population concerned will grow substantially in those years: this growth is estimated at over 5.5 million, i.e. 9.1%. At the same time, the labour force in Europe will be getting older. (EUROPE, WORKING-AGE POPULATION, PROJECTIONS, DEMOGRAPHIC AGEING, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION)

94.90.08 - English - Maria DASZYNSKA, Central Statistical Office, Al Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warszawa (Poland)

Social, Occupational and Material Status of Polish Women in the Years 1983-1991 (p. 164-183)

In this text, the social, occupational and material status of women is presented on the basis of data from representative sample surveys conducted by the Central Statistical Office in the years 1983-1991. On the basis of those surveys, such questions are presented as the organization of family life, especially the division of domestic chores and partnership in the marriage, women taking child care leave, and the preferred and actual lifestyles of these women. Attitudes to the paid work of all women of working age are discussed and the causes for these attitudes. Other problems presented are the situation of women employed outside private agriculture or working on private farms, and their job satisfaction, or the situation of women still studying and women who neither study nor work. This last group of women presents problems of unemployment. The next problems presented include the material status of women and their families, housing conditions, special needs of single mothers with dependent children, the health status of women and anxieties experienced by women. (POLAND, WOMEN'S STATUS, LIVING CONDITIONS)

1993 - NUMBER 3

94.90.09 - English - Alina BARAN, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Mortality in Poland in the Period 1950-1990 (p. 5-23)

In the transition period of Poland's centrally planned economy to that of a market economy, the tendency of mortality to increase, particularly in the male population of productive age, has become not only an important demographic problem, but also a social one. In this paper, crude, specific rates as well as the non standardized and standardized indices of regional mortality differentials are analysed for the period 1950-1990, in order to show mortality differentiation and its increase by age, sex, and place of residence. Taking into account cause-specific death rates, the pattern of causes of death was found to be similar to that existing in Western countries, although the level of standardized mortality is higher in Poland. (POLAND, MORTALITY INCREASE, DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY, CAUSES OF DEATH)

94.90.10 - English - Janusz INDULSKI, Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz, ul. Sw. Teresy 8, 90-950 Lodz (Poland), and Jerzy T. KOWALESKI, University of Lodz, ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 41, 90-214 Lodz (Poland)

Mortality and Life Expectancy in Poland 10 Years Before the End of the Century (p. 24-41)

In the article, we discuss the mortality rates in Poland by the voivodships at the end of the 1980s. In the comparative analysis, we employed general standardized rates of deaths for men and women, and coefficients presenting the levels of mortality resulting from circulatory system diseases and malignant neoplasms. Much regional differentiation was shown in the level of all factors considered and their alarmingly high levels, particularly in the subpopulation of men. In the second part of the paper, we examine the differences in life expectancy by sex and administrative provinces. This analysis also confirms unfavourable changes in the mortality of the male subpopulation and large territorial differentiation of the parameters studied. On the basis of the data from the latest life expectancy tables by voivodships, a calculation has been undertaken which shows that the lowering by one-third of mortality caused by circulatory system diseases would prolong the average life expectancy of an infant of either sex by 3 years. (POLAND, DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY, CAUSES OF DEATH, LIFE EXPECTANCY)

94.90.11 - English - Biruta SKRETOWICZ, Institute of Agriculture Medicine in Lubin, ul. Jaczewskiego 2, 20-950 Lublin (Poland)

Polish Rural Population Health Condition (p. 42-65)

A study of the national medical and environmental status was carried out by the Polish Ministry of Health in 1989-1990. The investigations covered a random sample of 6 845 rural inhabitants aged 20-64. The article shows the organization and the results of this study covered the somatic, mental and social aspects of health according to the World Health Organization definition of health. (POLAND, RURAL POPULATION, HEALTH CONDITIONS)

94.90.12 - English - Irena SZADKOWSKA-STANCZYK and Wojciech HANKE, Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz, ul. Teresy 8, 90-950 Lodz (Poland)

Epidemiological Evaluation of Death Risk from Cardiovascular Diseases Among Polish Population of Working Age (p. 66-84)

The authors review a study on epidemiology devoted to an evaluation of death risk among men and women of working age exposed to cardiovascular risk factors. The survey covered random samples of the population living in the regions of Wroclaw and Ciechanow, including families of all who died from cardiovascular diseases in 1988. It was conducted based on a questionnaire to investigate the most important factors known to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The results of demographic analyses allow to assume that social factors exerting a negative effect on health behaviour are responsible for high male mortality. Moreover, the difficulties of Polish life place additional stress on the male population. The following factors caused the largest variation in death risk among males, marriage complications, disappointing earnings, negligence of one's own health. It should be emphasized that, for each of the 18 factors analysed, the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases was several times higher in males than in females. (POLAND, EPIDEMIOLOGY, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, MALE MORTALITY, WORKING-AGE POPULATION)

94.90.13 - English - Witold ZATONSKI, Cancer Control and Epidemiology Department, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, ul. Wawelska 15, 00-973 Warsaw (Poland)

Cancer in Poland: General Characteristics (p. 85-94)

One of the most characteristic features of cancer patterns in Poland is a constantly increasing number of new cancer cases and deaths. It was observed both in men and women. The changes observed in total age-standardized cancer mortality rates were associated with cancer mortality trends in particular cancer sites. An analysis shows very significant increases in the rates for: (1) cancer of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, large bowel, pancreas and skin melanoma in men, and (2) cancer of the large bowel, pancreas, ovary, breast, lung and, also, skin melanoma in women. However, there was also a significant decrease in age-standardized mortality rates for cancer of the stomach, lip and testis in men and cervix uteri cancer in women. The quickly increasing cancer rates and differences in risk of cancer in male and female population seem to be associated with changes in the growth of the Polish subpopulations, aging of the population and, also, with lifestyle factors (tobacco smoking and alcohol) and environmental factors (mainly with exposure to occupational carcinogens). (POLAND, CANCER, CAUSES OF DEATH)

94.90.14 - English - Jerzy TYCZYNSKI and Witold ZATONSKI, Cancer Control and Epidemiology Department, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, ul. Wawelska 15, 00-973 Warsaw (Poland)

Tobacco-Related Cancers in Poland in 1963-1989 (p. 95-102)

Tobacco-related cancers include cancer of the lip, oral cavity, pharynx, pancreas, larynx, lung, urinary bladder and kidney. The power of the association between "heavy" smoking, mainly cigarette smoking, and cancer incidence varies with anatomical location of the cancer and is highest for lung cancer (80-90%), and lowest for cancer of the pancreas, urinary bladder and kidney (30-40%). It was noted that standardized mortality rates had significantly increased for all tobacco-related cancer sites in 1963-1989. It was also estimated that the percentage of cancer deaths caused by tobacco smoking in total cancer deaths had increased in 1963-1989, from 23.8% to 40.5% respectively in men and from 5.9% to 10.9% in women. The most important evidence was based on similar trends and distributions in cancer mortality and cigarette smoking by sex, age, birth cohorts, place of residence (town/village) and voivodship. The strongest association was found for lung cancer. By the end of the 80s, almost one in two cancer deaths in men and one in ten cancer deaths in women was caused by tobacco smoking. Theoretically, tobacco control may largely prevent cancer risk in Poland. (POLAND, CANCER, CAUSES OF DEATH, SMOKING)

94.90.15 - English - Krzysztof PRZEWOZNIAK and Witold ZATONSKI, Cancer Control and Epidemiology Department, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, ul. Wawelska 15, 00-973 Warsaw (Poland)

Tobacco Smoking in Poland in the Years 1923-1987 (p. 103-124)

Social and economic changes, which Poland was experiencing after the Second World War, significantly influenced the social awareness and attitudes of our society, including attitudes towards health. Before the second half of the 1960s, the average lifespan of Polish people showed a tendency towards growth. It was due not only to the considerable progress in the field of medical science, but first of all, to the introduction of the common system of free health care, the spread of health education, especially in rural environments, the improvement of hygienic and sanitary standards and providing a better access to the network of national health care. The epidemics of infectious diseases: tuberculosis, typhus, diphtheria, etc., were brought under control, which resulted in the decline of total mortality, especially among infants and children under 15 and in a longer average lifespan. The desirable trends in total mortality were restrained in Poland in the early 1970s. According to common opinion, this phenomenon was due to the significant increase in mortality caused by so called civilization-related diseases, i.e., the diseases related to the lifestyle and the activities of men, with cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms in the first places. A more detailed analysis of the structure and dynamics of mortality due to those diseases showed that the growth was caused primarily by tobacco-related diseases. Today, smoking has become the most important single and preventable risk factor threatening the health of the whole Polish population. (POLAND, MORTALITY, CAUSES OF DEATH, SMOKING)

94.90.16 - English - S. Maria PECYNA, Faculty of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, Centre of Postgraduate Studies in Warsaw, ul. Ostrobramska 85, 04-163 Warsaw (Poland)

Death by Choice in the Subpopulation of People Aged 60 and More in Psycho-Epidemiological Studies in the Years 1978-1984 (p. 125-138)

The structure and dynamics of death by choice in the subpopulation of elderly people is discussed on the basis of official statistical data. Routine epidemiological analyses allow us to state that sex, age and place of residence are decisive factors determining the number of suicides at postproductive age. The suicidal death rate is higher for men in all age groups, both in urban and rural areas. The rate gets higher, the older the age cohort. The analysis of death by choice and its extent and share in the total number of deaths at postproductive ages points to the necessity of going beyond the statistical view and analysing the phenomenon, taking into consideration a significant crisis of moral values and lack of further life perspectives. This is a problem to be dealt with by suicidologists. (POLAND, SUICIDE, AGED)

94.90.17 - English - Wlodzimierz A. BRODNIAK, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, ul. Sobieskiego 1/9, 02-957 Warsaw (Poland), and Antonina OSTROWSKA, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Swiat 72, Warsaw (Poland)

Systemic Transformation in the Mental Health of the Polish Society (p. 139-153)

The transformation of the political and economic system which took place in Poland in the last years brought about new, differentiated qualities into public life. Positive values like pluralism, democracy and freedom are counterbalanced with several negative effects. Growing poverty, unemployment, a decreasing sense of security in people's everyday life, experienced on a large scale, as well as a certain "chaos" in the sphere of macrostructures are the new and shocking phenomena for the majority of Poles. All these factors are not indifferent for the mental health of the society. In this paper, we are trying to connect the political and economic processes with the indicators of broadly understood mental health. (POLAND, TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY, MENTAL HEALTH)

94.90.18 - English - Ewa LISOWSKA, Institute of Social Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Living Conditions of Young Families in Poland (1991-1992) (p. 154-162)

The article presents the results of a survey carried out by the Institute of Social Economy in the last quarter of 1991. It included 1,716 women and their families. It was the sixth survey by the Institute (the first was done in 1968) on the work and maternity of young, employed women, and the living conditions of their families. All this was organized in the same way, the sample was different but chosen according to similar criteria, and the questionnaires covered similar areas. It was a monographical study with a nation-wide sample. (POLAND, HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS, FAMILY LIFE, LIVING CONDITIONS)

94.90.19 - English - Krystyna DRZEWIENIECKA and Kazimierz DZIENIO, Government Population Commission, Plac Trzech Krzyzy 5, 00-507 Warsaw (Poland)

Mortality by Sex, Age, and Cause of Death in European and Highly Developed Extra-European Countries in the Years 1960-1984 (p. 163-188)

A comparative analysis of mortality, in which standardized death rates (with the world population structure accepted as the standardized population structure by age) were used, was conducted for 24 European and 5 highly developed countries. The analysis shows that, in spite of medical progress in fighting high mortality stemming from primary sources (diseases of the circulatory system and malignant neoplasms), a very high level is still registered in many Middle and Eastern European countries (especially in Hungary, former Czechoslovakia and Poland). A high increase in premature mortality of men aged 45-64 is also observed. Arresting the observed mortality increase caused by predominantly civilization-related diseases is determined by the following factors: - forming health-friendly attitudes and popularizing information on risk effects and prevention principles; - creating conditions enabling health-friendly attitudes to be brought to life; - providing an adequate level of medical treatment. (EUROPE, DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, MORTALITY INCREASE)

94.90.20 - English - Zbigniew STRZELECKI, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 (Poland)

Disability in Poland (p. 189-207)

The paper presents the results of the National Census 1988 on the number and structure of invalids in Poland. In the study, the socio-medical notion was used. Poland is one of the few countries conducting systematic research of this type. In the years 1979-1988, the number of invalids grew by over 50%; these dynamics are exceptional in the world. It means that, in 1988, every tenth inhabitant in Poland was suffering from an impairment. The subpopulation growth did not stop after 1988. The basic reason for determining disability by the Disability and Employment Commission is civilization-related diseases. Disability intensity among rural and urban men and women does not differ. However, it does differ by age, marital status and education level. Disability leads to several demographic disturbances, the most important of which concerns family creation and development. (POLAND, DISABILITY)

94.90.21 - English - Lech BOLESLAWSKI and Grazyna MARCINIAK, Central Statistical Office, Al. Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warsaw (Poland)

Projection of Work Disability in Poland 1990-2010 (p. 208-220)

The projection is based on the assumption that regulations concerning work disability remain stable and the same as in the intercensal period 1985-1988. The life table method is used to evaluate numbers of disabled persons by three categories of work disability, sex, age and residence (urban-rural). The cohort approach is applied, i.e. future proportions of disabled at given ages depend on past proportions in the same birth cohort. Calculated age-specific rates of disability are presented as well as the complete set of historical rates by the above-mentioned characteristics. (POLAND, DISABILITY, PROJECTIONS)

94.90.22 - English - Marlena KUCIARSKA-CIESIELSKA, Central Statistical Office, Al. Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warsaw (Poland)

Birth Control and Its Determinants (p. 221-240)

The article presents the results of the three family sample surveys, conducted by the CSO: "Newlyweds Survey 1985", "Family Survey 1987" (this survey included women who were contacted for the first time in 1975, immediately after their wedding, and then, twelve years later; at the end of the reproductive process for most of them) and "Determinants and Consequences of Divorces", which took place in 1991 (this included persons divorced in 1987-1989). The article emphasizes the methods of birth control which were used during married life, their moral evaluation and opinions about abortion. The results of these surveys were correlated with some explanatory variables: sex, age, education level, number of children and attitude towards faith. The respondent's opinions were illustrated with fragments of letters received from respondents. This article indicates the influence of an unhappy marriage and of different phases of family life on the attitudes and opinions about birth control. (POLAND, FAMILY PLANNING, FERTILITY DETERMINANTS)

94.90.23 - English - Bronislawa RATAJCZAK, Central Statistical Office, Al. Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warsaw (Poland)

The Housing Situation of Families in Poland in the Light of the National Census 1988 Results (p. 241-253)

The article presents an analysis of family housing conditions, based on the results of the National Census in 1988. Individual factors of the family housing situation are characterized by family types: married couples without children, married couples with children, one-parent families with children. Within the basic classification, young families are singled out. These are families in which the husband (father) is not older than 35 years of age, and the wife (mother) under 30 years. The study points to the differentiation of housing situation by family type, number of children and education level, sources of income and position of spouses (parents). In connection with the important housing shortage in Poland, the author have concentrated on the problem of family housing independence related to their tenure status of dwelling which determines the difference in other factors of housing conditions (particularly in urban areas). (POLAND, FAMILY COMPOSITION, HOUSING CONDITIONS)

1994 - NUMBER 4

94.90.24 - English - Janusz WITKOWSKI, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 (Poland)

Basic Attributes of Unemployment in Poland During the Transformation Period (p. 5-23)

In this paper, the most important features of unemployment in Poland are discussed, with special reference to the changes in the Polish labour market. The mass character of unemployment is undoubtedly one of the most imposing challenges to the economy and society. On the other hand, a growing outflow from unemployment is observed, which may point to the improvement of conditions in the near future. Also, demand factors in unemployment tend to lose their importance in favour of the growing role of the supply factors (demographic growth of manpower). In many respects, Polish unemployment is similar to that in other countries; yet, it has some specific features: in comparison to other countries, a greater threat of unemployment to youth; a higher average level of education of the unemployed; extending long-term unemployment; recession rather than the structural character of unemployment. In the paper, we also discuss the prospects for the labour market in Poland, from which it follows that no significant reduction of unemployment in Poland may be expected in the nearest future. (POLAND, TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT)

94.90.25 - English - Joanna STRZELECKA, Central Statistical Office, Al. Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warsaw (Poland)

Dynamics and Structure of the Long-Term Unemployment in Poland (p. 24-39)

The paper is based on the results of the Labour Force Survey conducted in the Central Statistical Office. It shows the development of unemployment in Poland since May 1992 - especially of long-term unemployment. The paper contains a proposal to explain the decrease of the number of long-term unemployed observed in May and August 1993, and, moreover, the structure of the long-term unemployed by sex, age and education level. The sources of inflow to unemployment were shown and the results of the study on the long-term unemployed's tendency to professional and spatial mobility are discussed. (POLAND, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT)

94.90.26 - English - Elzbieta KRYNSKA, University of Lodz, ul. Rewolucji 1905, 41, 90-214 Lodz (Poland)

Unemployment and Labour Market Segmentation (p. 40-63)

Concepts of the labour market segmentation were based on the assumption of the market's heterogeneity, leading to the emergence of relatively isolated components - the segments. Existence of this type of labour market split brings many effects for the employment policy. The objective of this paper is an attempt to define segments of the Polish labour market in the period of transformation of the system. They were isolated using one criterion only - the degree of unemployment threat to the employees involved in any part of the labour market. This allowed to isolate several segments quite clearly distinguished from the other parts of the labour market. Features of jobs characterized by a comparatively higher or lower stability were defined, as well as features of employees increasing or decreasing the probability of remaining jobless. (POLAND, TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, LABOUR MARKET)

94.90.27 - English - Eugeniusz KWIATKOWSKI, Institute of Economics, University of Lodz, ul. Rewolucji 1905, 41, 90-214 Lodz (Poland)

Sources of Unemployment Growth in Poland in the Years 1990-1993 (p. 64-78)

This article investigates the main reasons of unemployment growth in Poland between 1990-1993. It shows that, due to the decrease in labour demand and the increased labour force supply which contributed to this growth, over time, the significance of the latter factor increased. Rationalization of employment played some part in the growth of unemployment, but this only concerns the years 1992-1993. The basic sources of unemployment in the period investigated were structural economic recession combined with a decline in demand and relatively low competition from the domestic products under liberalization of the economy. The recession stemmed from a negative demand breakdown, especially in the years 1990-1991. The reallocation shock associated with the structural mismatch between demand for and supply of labour force also contributed, to some extent, to the growth of unemployment. (POLAND, ECONOMIC RECESSION, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, MARKET ECONOMY)

94.90.28 - English - Anna KOWALSKA, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 154, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Social-Economic Situation of the Unemployed (p. 79-100)

The article presents the general idea and selected findings of the modular survey of the socio-economic situation of the unemployed, carried out in August 1993 as a supplement to the quartely Polish Labour Force Survey (BAEL). The objective of the survey was to describe the social effects of unemployment in households with unemploymed persons. It covered the living standards and social situation of households, the occupational past of the unemployed, their activity and expectations connected with jobs being sought, opinions relating to the reasons of unemployment and methods to counteract it, the life-style of the unemployed and their socio-physical state. Unemployment is a very difficult experience for the majority of households. The lack of money is the basic problem, so current needs often remain unsatisfied and the standard of living is diminished. Financial problems are the reason for the conflicts between household members, so emotional relations are worse than before. Feeling of insecurity or pessimism are characteristic of the unemployed as well, who are deeply disappointed and find their situation worse than expected. (POLAND, UNEMPLOYED, LIVING CONDITIONS, SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY)

94.90.29 - English - Adam KURZYNOWSKI, Social Policy and Employment, Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 154, 02-554 Warsaw (Poland)

Income and Satisfying the Needs of the Unemployed Based on the Results of Empirical Studies in the Years 1992-1993 (p. 101-121)

The study contains an analysis of unemployment viewed as a socio-economic phenomenon, a tradition of Polish empirical studies and results of a survey conducted by the Chair of the Sociology of Labour, Social Policy and Employment in the Warsaw School of Economics in 1992 and 1993 in ten selected local areas. In particular, the analysis covered: income (declared) and the subsequent spending, aid received from various sources by the unemployed and their families, savings and debts of these families, restrictions in their individual needs satisfaction, evaluation of the families' material condition and their subjective estimation of their poverty. The study was carried out at the turn of October and November on a sample of 1 000 unemployed - 100 from each centre. A comparison of the 1992 and 1993 results indicates the continuation of difficult conditions for the unemployed in spite of an increase in the share of an average income per person in the average salary net in the third quarter and in spite of a certain decrease in the percentage of families limiting their spending or satisfying some of their needs. The study is being continued. (POLAND, UNEMPLOYED, HOUSEHOLD INCOME, POVERTY)

94.90.30 - English - Malgorzata SZYLKO-SKOCZNY, Institute of Social Policy, Warsaw University, 69 Nowy Swiat, 00-046 Warsaw (Poland)

The Unemployed Recipients of Social Aid (p. 122-134)

In this paper, we present the results of empirical studies on long-term unemployed persons who have lost their right to the labour office benefits and become beneficiaries of welfare services. The study has shown that, in the families of such unemployed, the negative economic and psycho-social effects of joblessness significantly accumulate. Long-term unemployment has placed the vast majority of such families in the sphere of "new poverty". Unemployed beneficiaries of welfare differ from "typical" clients of social aid in their socio-professional structure and in their expectations towards social workers; transferring tasks connected with providing the unemployed with a means of existence from labour offices to welfare diminished the feeling of security of jobless people. It has also disturbed the hitherto functioning of the welfare system. (POLAND, UNEMPLOYED, POVERTY, SOCIAL SECURITY)

94.90.31 - English - Danuta GRANIEWSKA, Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, ul. Mysia 2, 00-486 Warsaw (Poland)

The Family and Unemployment (p. 135-144)

In 1991, the Institute of Labour and Social Studies examined the basic problems of families suffering from unemployment. These problems are typical and general in this subpopulation. The issues connected with the negative impact of unemployment on the family's economic basis have been treated more extensively. Limited possibilities of providing material security to household members strongly influence the raising and care-taking functions of the family. The socializing function of the family unavoidably becomes destructively limited in the case of conflicts originating in material difficulties faced in long-lasting unemployment leading to extreme pauperization and poverty. The reproductive function in the families of the unemployed has been executed under a strong influence of material factors. The family's emotional-expressive function, so vital to the integrity and duration of a family - has not been examined in-depth in our studies. (POLAND, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, FAMILY LIFE, LIVING CONDITIONS)

94.90.32 - English - Marlena KUCIARSKA-CIESIELSKA, Central Statistical Office, Al. Niepodleglosci 208, 00-608 Warsaw (Poland)

Incomplete Families and Unemployment (p. 145-163)

In this paper, we present the material conditions of incomplete families, especially those of single mothers supporting their children. We concentrate on the influence of unemployment on the life course of such families. In the analysis, we have used the results of a representative study conducted by the Central Statistical Office in 1991, which dealt with the causes and effects of divorce in Poland. We have also used fragments of respondents' letters attached to questionnaires. (POLAND, UNEMPLOYMENT, ONE-PARENT FAMILY, LIVING CONDITIONS)

94.90.33 - English - Stanislawa STACHNIK-CZAJKOWSKA, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, 4 Maria Curie-Sklodowska Sq., 20-031 Lublin (Poland)

Sociological Aspects of Unemployment (p. 164-178)

In this paper, we present the results of empirical sociological studies on the condition of the unemployed from a strictly definite area, i.e. the towns: Lublin and Lubartow. The pilot survey was conducted as research by the General Sociology Section at the Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin by the author of the present paper. The study was characterized by age, education, professional category while employed, working period, and health and financial conditions. An analysis of job loss causes was carried out, the size of reduction types typical of Lublin and Lubartow populations was determined, and an evaluation of jobs loss in psychosocial terms (satisfaction - dissatisfaction) as well as the social bond with the enterprise were considered. What constitute important factors are one's attitude to the role of an unemployed person, lowered self-evaluation, facing material difficulties, fear of the future - especially in the situation of job offer absence. (POLAND, UNEMPLOYED, SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY)

94.90.34 - English - Mieczyslaw KABAJ, Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, ul. Mysia 2, 00-486 Warsaw (Poland)

Elements of Unemployment Counteracting Strategy in Poland (p. 179-193)

This paper is based on a longer report entitled "Programme for Counteracting Unemployment in Poland", developed by the author for the Polish Government in the Institute of Labour and Social Affairs in 1993. The paper deals with the analysis of rapid growth in the level and changes in the structure of unemployment in Poland during the transformation process. The main part of the paper is devoted to searching for a new strategy for counteracting unemployment and promoting productive employment. The author suggests that the main cause behind the failure of an earlier policy for combatting unemployment was an illusion that the problems would be solved exclusively by active labour market policy. The proposed programme is based on an integrated approach to employment promotion strategy, containing four basic components: macro-economic measures, regional and local programmes, active labour market programmes and improvement in labour administration with regard to combatting unemployment. In this context can be quoted the well-known principle championed by the longstanding Swedish Prime Minister, the late Olof Palme: "(...) in my government, all ministers are ministers of full employment." In simple terms, this means that no economic decisions should be taken without taking due account of subsequent impact on employment and unemployment. (POLAND, TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY, STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, EMPLOYMENT POLICY)

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