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Brazil (Sao Paulo) 62


1992 - VOLUME 9, NUMBER 2

94.62.01 - Portuguese - Martim Oscar SMOLKA

Intra-urban Residential Mobility in the City of Rio de Janeiro (Mobilidade intra-urbana no Rio de Janeiro: da estratificaçao social à segregaçao residencial no espaço) (p. 97-114)

Based on the IPPUR/ITBI/IPTU data bank a residential mobility matrix was organized, drawing upon the respective addresses of buyers and sellers of properties transacted in Rio de Janeiro in the period 1985-80/1990. Analysing the nature and direction of the most expressive flows this paper revisits some currrent hypothesis concerning the intensity and significance of these flows. Finally the relevance of the latter, for the reiteration or modification of the existent pattern of spatial residential segregation is also evaluated. . (BRAZIL, RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY, URBAN POPULATION, SEGREGATION)

94.62.02 - Portuguese - Milena P. DUCCHIADE and Kaizô I. BELTRAO

Infant Mortality by Cause of Death, 1976-1986: Association with Socio-Economic Climatic and Air Pollution Variables in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan (Mortalidade infantil por causas na Regiao Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, 1976-1986: associaçao com variaveis socioeconômicas, climaticas e ligadas à poluiçao do ar) (p. 115-137)

This paper analyses monthly and annual infant mortality data for Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan area and its 25 sub-regions. A generalized linear model using mortality rates by "causa mortis" as the dependent variable and it proxys for socio economic status (schooling and water/sewer availability) as well as climatic monthly minimum average temperature and number of rainy days) and pollution (average monthly pollution) indicators as covariates. The usual associations with the socio-economic indicators were found. Air pollution was also significantly different from zero for all the models considered. Confounding is the explanations for some associations found since no biological connection was known. The bad quality of the basic cause of death could also impart the results obtained. (BRAZIL, INFANT MORTALITY, MORTALITY DETERMINANTS, CAUSES OF DEATH)

94.62.03 - Portuguese - Nadya A. CASTRO and Vanda S. DE SA BARRETO

Black that Scored Right: Labor Market, Mobility and Occupational Inequalities (Os negros que dao certo: mercado de trabalho, mobilidade e desigualdades ocupacionais) (p. 138-154)

This paper discusses racial inequality in Salvador Metropolitan area. It is divided in two parts: (1) an analysis of employment structure by sector and of occupational structure, indicating the magnitude and scope of inequality among workers; (2) a demonstration of differences in the access of blacks and whites to the most valued occupations in the modern petrochemical industry. (BRAZIL, BLACKS, LABOUR MARKET, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION)

94.62.04 - Portuguese - Elza BERQUO and Maria Coleta F.A. DE OLIVEIRA, CEBRAP, Rua Morgado Mateus 615, Sao Paulo 04015 S.P. (Brazil)

Marriage and Crisis: Brazil in the 80s (Casamento em tempos de crise) (p. 155-167)

The paper examines the relationships between the economic crisis in Brazil during the 80s and nuptiality behavior. The consideration on the possible impacts of the Brazilian crisis on nuptiality suffers the effect of the little attention given to this component of population dynamics by specialists. More than this, however, the difficulties arise from serious gaps in the available data and on the type of registered information. The important legal changes on marriage formation and dissolution in the 70s in Brazil have also affected vital registration, thus affecting nuptiality records. Despite the shortcomings, the analysis is able to docoment important losses in marriages for the country as a whole occurred in the 80s, a trend which parallels the ecornomic difficulties confronted by the population at that time. Nevertheless, the authors call attention to the fact that there seemed to coincide the economic crisis and the deepening of longer run trends for changing modes of life in Brazil, with far reaching implications for marriage formation and dissolution. At the center of these changes are important redefinitions of female expectations as to marriage life and the emergence of competing alternatives for personal fullfilment. As to the new economic constraints, the authors call attention to the possible contradictory effects of worsening economic conditions upon marriage, and to the need of a prospective investigation in the light of new symptoms of dissatisfaction among the population, as expressed by the new phenomenon of emigration. (BRAZIL, NUPTIALITY, ECONOMIC RECESSION)

94.62.05 - Portuguese - Margaret E. GREENE and V. RAO

The Marriage Squeeze and the Rise in Informal Marriage in Brazil (A compressao do mercado matrimonial e o aumento de casamentos informais no Brasil) (p. 168-183)

Throughout the world, populations experience shortage of one sex or the other in the age group in which people generally marry, usually as a result of a decline in mortality. The solutions to this problem vary with the cultural context: reduction in the age difference between husband and wife, increase in the value of dowries, and polygamy are three ways of reestablishing an equilibrium in the marriage market. Our hypothesis is that in Brazil the marriage market is balanced by the "recycling" of men through instable consensual union. With census data from the last 40 years and the PNAD of 1984, we show the link between the marriage squeeze and the increase in the number of informal marriage. A competing risks analysis of the chance of remaining single versus entering a formal marriage or consensual union provides evidence that the marriage squeeze has affected both the possibility of entering any type of union and the type of marriage entered. (BRAZIL, MARRIAGEABLE POPULATION, MARRIAGE, CONSENSUAL UNION)

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