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United Kingdom (Cambridge) 49


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93.49.01 - English - Alan DYER, Department of History, University College of North Wales, Bangor LL57 2DG (U.K.)

The Bishops' Census of 1563: Its Significance and Accuracy (p. 19-37)

An old demographic survey, the "bishops'census" of 1563, is described in the present article and compared with the foundation records of masses in 1548 and the communion census of 1603. The author compares the average household size in several parishes in the counties of Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire and Kent and examines the validity and precision of the census. (UNITED KINGDOM, CENSUSES, HISTORICAL SOURCES)

93.49.02 - English - Grace WYATT, 302 Prescott Road, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 6RR (U.K.)

Bastardy and Prenuptial Pregnancy in a Cheshire Town during the Eighteenth Century (p. 38-50)

This arficle compares the variations and structures of illegitimate births and prenuptial conceptions in twelve parishes in Nantwich (Cheshire) during the eighteenth century. The mothers of illegitimate children were found by using the method of family reconstitution. The author shows that prenuptial pregnancy was very common in Nantwich in the eighteenth century. (UNITED KINGDOM, HISTORICAL DEMOGRAPHY, ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN, PREMARITAL CONCEPTIONS)

93.49.03 - English - Lyn FAULKNER, 32 Wycherley Cresent, Barnet, Herts EN5 1AR (U.K.)

'Powerless to Prevent Him'. Attitudes of Married Working-Class Women in the 1920s and the Rise of Sexual Power

The author uses 285 letters written to Dr. Marie Stopes in the 1920s for the data for the present article. These letters were about contraception and sex education. The attitudes and anxieties of working-class women are examined, in particular with regard to pregnancy and fertility decline. (UNITED KINGDOM, HISTORY, CONTRACEPTION)

1994 - NUMERO 52

94.49.04 - English - Brian BENNISON, Department of Economics, University of Northumbria (U.K.)

Drunkenness in Turn-of-the-Century Newcastle upon Tyne (p. 14-22)

94.49.05 - English - Phillip SCHOFIELD

Frankpledge Lists As Indices of Migration and Mortality: Some Evidence from Essex Lists (p. 23-29)

94.49.06 - English - Ruth TINLEY and Dennis MILLS

Population Turnover in an Eighteenth-Century Lincolnshire Parish in Comparative Context (p. 30-38)

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