September 2006: International Family Planning Perspectives

International Family Planning Perspectives is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Guttmacher Institute. This journal is devoted to qualitative and quantitative research examining such topics as contraceptive practice; fertility levels, trends and determinants; adolescents pregnancy; abortion incidence, determinants and consequences; sexual behavior; HIV and other sexually transmitted infections; public policies and legal issues affecting family planning and childbearing; program operation, development and evaluation; information, education and communication activities; and reproductive, maternal and child health.

language: English

Web site:

August 2006: Studies in Family Planning

Studies in Family Planning is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal concerned with all aspects of reproductive health, fertility regulation, and family planning programs, and their relations to health and development in both developing and developed countries. This journal publishes original articles, reports, commentaries, data from nationally representative surveys, book reviews, abstracts of other notable publications, and letters. It is published on behalf of Population Council.

language: English

Web site:

July 2006: Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales

This issue of REMI proposes a dossier focused on “figures and diaspora experiments”. Various contributors analyze the process of construction of a diaspora identity, as from geographical contexts and of different fields of study: black diaspora, Eritrean diaspora, diaspora of Chinese from Taiwan, foreign-born in Israel; ethnicity and religion in the census of Great Britain population, uprooting of the populations in Casamance, French colonies in the 17th Century, etc.

language: French and English

Web site:

June 2006: Asia-Pacific Population Journal

This journal is published three times a year in English by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the pacific (ESCAP). Migration is the focus of this entire issue, which brings out eight articles that address this multifaceted issue from a variety of angles. From the Viewpoint column, which places migration right on top of political and policy agenda, to the article on child migrants and children of migrants and the one addressing the intricate issue of trafficking, through the discussion on the current management approach and initiave, among others, it is hoped that this special thematic issue of the journal will contribute to a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon.

language: English

Web site:

May 2006: Journal of Comparative Family Studies

This publication appears four times a year and comes from the Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada . The Journal of Comparative Family Studies provides a unique cross-cultural perspective on the study of the family. It promotes the interaction between different cultures and life styles. It provides the latest trends and research.  Established since 1970, it contains valuable material for the sociologist, anthropologist, family counselor, and social psychologist.  The journal is a most important source for promoting a better understanding of interethnic family interaction that is essential for all multicultural societies. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and research notes as well as book reviews. In addition, the last issue each year contains an index along with a section on books received.

language: English

Web site:


April 2006: Lives

Lives is a new generation of the Safe Motherhood newsletter, formerly published by the World Health Organization. Lives will be published every six months by the Partnership foe Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health, an independent global health partnership based at the Who in Geneva . Lives will report on the latest news and trends in maternal and child health, highlighting best-practice case studies and keeping you up to date on global advocacy efforts. It will feature country-level innovations, personalities, and an "New Resources" section will offer links to the latest materials, including those with immediate online access.

language: English.

Web site:

March 2006: Les Cahiers du Plan

This bimestrial publication is published by the Haut Commissariat au Plan, Morocco. It contains various subjects dealing with demographic and development issues in Morocco. The journal subscription is limited to the payment of the postal. This latest issue contains a paper on Moroccan cities in light of the results of the 2004 census, showing that cities like Rabat or Tangiers attract a large number of migrants whereas the growth of inner city areas tends to slow down.

language: French and Arabic.

Web site:

February 2006: Correo Poblacional

The publication from Quito (Ecuador) is devoted to reproductive health matters and includes very brief papers on specific issues such as access to health services, sterility or prenatal care or on larger questions related to sustainable development. The latest issue CICRED received provides a good opportunity to explore the latest development of institutions working in Ecuador. We found a useful summary with some results from the latest ENDEMAIN survey conducted in 2004

language: Spanish

Web site:

January 2006: Human Rights for Women and Children in Pakistan

This is the first international publication of the NGO "Net for women and children rights" in Pakistan, published by the Greek NGO KESSA DIMITRA. This publication is under the umbrella of one project funded by the European Commission in Pakistan under the European initiative for Democracy and Human Rights programme (EIDHR). The efforts made by this publication in bringing closer those two geographic actors, enabling them to co-operate and thus contribute to the improvement of the Human Rights situation in Pakistan. This will be an uphill battle, however the promotion and protection of human rights is something we should keep fighting for. Two pages described instances of so-called "honour killings".

language: English

Web site: ,

December 2005: Demotrends

This publication appears three times a year and comes from the Istituto di Recerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali, Italy. It examines various dimensions of the contemporary demographic scene in Italy. The latest issue received is devoted to international migration seen from Italy: regional patterns of migration in Europe, migration flows and migration policies, lessons learned from the NIDI-EUROSTAT study. Readers may also a first-page paper on the Italian migration model (with characteristics such as the share of female migrants) as well as detailed map of the distribution of Italian migrants in Germany showing their concentration in Southwestern part of the country.

language: English

Web site:


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